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Budget and reporting

Detailed financial reporting is included in the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA) Annual Report 2022–23.

In 2022-23, The Conservation Regulator had an annual budget of $26.03 million, consisting of:

  • $10.34 million in operational expenses
  • $15.69 million in staffing costs
  • $0.02 million expended on capital expenses for patrol vehicle enhancements and field monitoring equipment for patrolling.

A.16 Performance Reporting

The Conservation Regulator reports against three mandatory performance measures from Budget Paper 3. The outcomes of each are summarised in Table 5.
Table 5: Budget paper 3 measure




Investigations of alleged non-compliance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014 and other relevant laws are completed within the statute of limitations of two years



Target met

Wildlife licence renewals processed by target dates.

Due to delays in the production and posting of a significant number (2,039) of Private Wildlife Licences in October to December 2022, this performance measure was not met. This did not cause any person to be non-compliant with the law and no commercial licence holders were affected by the incident. Remedial measures have since been put in place to manage the risk of future distribution delays, including:

  • Reviewing existing contractual arrangements with the external supplier
  • Reviewing business continuity arrangements to ensure additional staff are trained in upload and printing processes
  • Undertaking mailout of renewed licences at an increased frequency



Target not met

Preharvest surveys of areas planned for timber harvesting completed



Target met

Strategic compliance operations implemented by the Conservation Regulator



Target met
