Welcome to the Conservation Regulator’s Year In Review for 2020–21. Our second full year of operation is one that has had immense and unprecedented challenges. Challenges which all of the Victorian community have had to face in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

The implications of COVID-19 on an environmental regulator may not seem clear at first however, as the pandemic progressed, the Conservation Regulator saw a range of effects on our work. During times of eased COVID-19 restrictions Victoria’s public land estate experienced very high visitation rates from the Victorian public.
It has been fantastic to see Victorians out enjoying our natural environment and the Conservation Regulator has been there to support the safe and appropriate use of this land. A further unexpected consequence of COVID-19 restrictions was the increased interest of the Victorian public in pet ownership. In our case, this led to a significant increase in applications for reptile licences.
Throughout the year, we have been adaptive and responsive to the ever-changing circumstances. I am immensely proud of the flexibility of our staff to respond to these challenges and continue to make significant headway in tackling the range of compliance and enforcement challenges presented to us.
Not only have we made great progress on our regulatory priorities, but we have streamlined the process for licencing and permits, increased our proactive timber harvesting patrols and inspections and completed a record number of patrols across the state. We have also launched our new website, providing clearer information to the Victorian community.
Our regulatory approach was further embedded in 2020–21, and our focus on educating Victorians about the law, providing compliance support and enforcing the law when required, has only persisted.
I would like to thank our regulatory partners and stakeholders for their continued involvement with the Conservation Regulator through engagement, feedback and partnership.
I look forward to continuing our important work and working with our partners to conserve and protect our environment for future generations.
Kate Gavens, Chief Conservation Regulator