TAFE and training sector

Access the Skills Victoria Training System
Log in to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS) to upload monthly training activity data, access guidance materials, receive department communications and submit an enquiry.

Running a training organisation
Training packages, purchasing guides, data collection, audits and governance.

Running a Learn Local
Information about the Adult, Community and Further Education Board and the Learn Local sector including grants, funding, resources and events.

TAFE governance
Victoria’s TAFEs are established under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

TAFE Toolkit
Making it easier for TAFEs to navigate funding and approval processes, procurement requirements and the delivery of infrastructure projects.

Training reports and surveys
Industry profiles, market trends and feedback from employers on training quality.

VET funding contracts
Contracts between the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions and TAFE and training providers for the delivery of government-subsidised training under the Skills First program.

Skills First
A set of reforms to ensure Victoria's training and TAFE system delivers high quality training that leads to real jobs.

Training Needs List
Supports training providers to plan their program delivery. It reports the level of program delivery required to meet skills needs in each region and across Victoria.

Victorian Skills Authority
The Victorian Skills Authority was established by the Victorian Government in July 2021 in direct response to the recommendations of the Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy Review.
University sector

Support package for universities
This package supports Victorian universities to help thousands of Victorians to stay at work and contribute to the state’s economic recovery.

Partnership agreements between the Victorian Government and Victorian universities
A partnership model between the Victorian Government and 10 universities.

University governance
Victoria's public universities are formed under their own Acts. The Minister for Higher Education administers the acts that establish the universities, their governing bodies and accountability.
Initiatives and supports

Support programs
Programs that aim to increase access to education for students and young people, including asylum seekers, those with care experience and those experiencing disadvantage.

Training for the clean economy
Training for the clean economy – the Victorian TAFE Network prospectus 2024