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WAYSS Limited - archive

Registered Housing Provider (HP) under the Housing Act 1983 (Vic) since 2008.

Housing portfolio

Key Performance Measures

Below data presents aggregated KPM results for WAYSS up to 30 June 2023.

Reported data is long-term housing (including SDA), rooming houses and short to medium term housing unless otherwise specified.

The Housing Registrar introduced new KPMs for 2023-24 reporting, including revised definitions and counting rules. WAYSS results for 2023-24 onwards are available at the new WAYSS performance page.

Re-let time (tenantable) – the average number of days taken to re-let homes that were ready for a tenant to move in (long-term housing and rooming houses only).

Rent arrears – rent overdue at 30 June as a percentage of total rent charged during the financial year (long-term housing and rooming houses only).

Repairs – the percentage of urgent repairs completed within 24 hours and non-urgent repairs completed within 14 days of receiving a tenant request for maintenance.

Complaint resolution – the percentage of complaints from tenants and prospective tenants resolved within 30 days.

Tenant satisfaction – registered agencies are required to survey tenants at least once every two years regarding their housing services, consideration of tenant views, and maintenance. In 2022-23, WAYSS surveyed 372 tenants. Thirty-six per cent (133 tenants) of those tenants responded.
