Before heading out into nature this summer, check the park closures page and any restrictions that apply on the VicEmergency app.
You don’t want to get to your chosen location just to find that you need to try somewhere else.
Walking tracks will probably be busy. Keep left and stay 1.5metres away from others not in your group or wear a mask if you can’t. Don’t forget to check whether tracks are one-way so others can safely pass.
Remember, you are responsible for your own safety and of those in your care.
Stay on designated tracks. Going off-track to avoid large groups of people could be dangerous and may damage protected areas of conservation or cultural significance and penalties could apply.
Fences and barriers are there for a reason – to keep you safe and to protect our environment. Climbing barriers to get a perfect selfie or to look for a better view can lead to serious injury.
Importantly, respect nature and take your rubbish with you.
Don’t go walking, hiking or riding if you feel unwell. Get tested as quickly as possible and isolate until you get a negative result. For more information visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au