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Victorian Skills Authority Integrity Framework

Acting together for the common good.

1 Aug 2023

The role of integrity

Integrity is integral to the Victorian Skills Authority.

The Victorian Skills Authority provides strategic and impartial advice to the government on skills priorities. To do this, we consider the needs of the workforce by drawing on the perspectives of industry, unions, businesses, communities and education and training providers, reconciled with the career aspirations of current and prospective students and the criticality of a positive education and training experience.

Balancing these perspectives rests on integrity throughout the ecosystem. The principles of this framework have actions aligning to mission and values, and managing conflicts of interest as the base, with inclusion in engagement and clear policy principles leading to the common good for the Victorian community.

Our aim is to determine priorities for skilling, for all partners and stakeholders, that result in the best outcomes for Victorians, industry and communities.

VSA Integrity Framework foundation principles

  • Download 'VSA Integrity Framework foundation principles'

Embedding integrity in our work

Integrity underpins all work of the Victorian Skills Authority.

The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) executive and the VSA Advisory Board play a key role in driving a positive culture of integrity.


To provide evidence-based advice to advance Victoria’s skills planning and delivery, and engage to drive collaborative solutions for businesses and people.

VSA Integrity Framework values

  • Download 'VSA Integrity Framework values'

The VSA’s mission and values, and the expectations of government, underpin this framework.

Integrity – as a core public sector value – is an expectation of all working within the public service, and the VSA seeks to extend this in engaging with advisory groups, partners and stakeholders.

Integrity applies to all areas of our work, including policy, service and operational delivery, program and grants funding, skills planning, the operation of our Advisory Board and industry engagement arrangements.

Our commitment to integrity

The Victorian Skills Authority commits to act with integrity at all times.

Our objective is for Victorian Skills Authority staff, partners and stakeholders to always commit to and act with integrity by:

✔ being open, honest and transparent

✔ using authority, insights and expertise responsibly

✔ being free from bias

✔ managing actual or perceived conflicts of interest effectively

✔ identifying, addressing and managing improper conduct quickly

✔ taking an inclusive approach to all participants in the skills system, including the vulnerable, disengaged and disadvantaged

✔ aligning our decision-making with public interest declarations

✔ earning and retaining public, industry and community trust at the highest level, at all times

✔ protecting our social and economic agenda by promoting trust in the outcomes of education and skilling.

We will meet these high standards of integrity when our staff, partners and stakeholders know and act with integrity, for the good of the Victorian community and the Victorian economy.