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Victoria’s workforce plan for the NDIS

Keeping Our Sector Strong is our $26 million workforce plan for the NDIS to provide disability workers an opportunity to grow their skills and be eligible for more roles.

The complete workforce plan

Find the online workforce plan for the NDIS or download the PDF below:

Keeping our sector strong: Victoria's workforce plan for the NDIS
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Keeping our sector strong: Victoria's workforce plan for the NDIS

Our plan is giving disability services staff the knowledge and skills they need to:

  • thrive under the NDIS
  • improve job satisfaction
  • create new, stronger career pathways within the sector
  • increase allied health workforce capacity and sustainability
  • help mainstream and community services to support better outcomes for people with disability

The workforce plan is delivering 16 projects that contribute to 4 objectives:

  • supply
  • capability
  • intelligence
  • innovation

Our projects are organised under 9 priorities.

Priority 1: Understanding workforce needs

NDIS Workforce Data Strategy

We're using data to build a comprehensive picture of the Victorian disability workforce and how it's changing over time.

Longitudinal Workforce Research Project

We're surveying the Victorian disability workforce to understand their experience of transition to the NDIS and support them better.

We want to hear from as many Victorian disability workers about their experience working in the NDIS. Let the Victorian Government know what matters most to you about your work.

Priority 2: Supporting regions to be NDIS-ready

NDIS Regional Readiness Fund

Disability Workforce Connectors will work with rural and regional communities to:

  • build local networks
  • identify local priorities
  • co-design initiatives

We've also provided $1.3m of grants to support these initiatives.

Priority 3: Supporting staff through transition

NDIS Learning and Development Program

We're helping disability services staff to develop the knowledge and skills they need to thrive under the NDIS. We've developed:

  1. a capability self-assessment tool
  2. a learning and development program
  3. an online workforce readiness portal

Register and access the Get NDIS Ready learning portal.

Priority 4: Targeting quality training

Qualifications Review

We worked with stakeholders in 2017 and 2018, to review the:

  • CHC Community Services Training Package
  • HLT Health Training Package

To make these courses more relevant to the new demands of the NDIS, we've:

  • created an Introduction to the NDIS course for people interested in a career in disability
  • provided feedback to the national training package review (Skills IQ)
  • developed new modules to improve Victorian disability courses

Professional development for VET trainers and assessors

In 2017-18, we researched the needs of training providers who prepare students to work in the NDIS context.

To help these trainers and assessors we're delivering:

  • information sessions
  • workshops
  • masterclasses
  • communities of practice

Find out more at the VET Development Centre.

Innovative approaches to work placements

In partnership with disability service providers and training organisations, we are:

  • developing a best practice framework, tools and resources to ensure students have the right values and personal attributes to work in the disability sector
  • evaluating the usefulness of Placeright to coordinate work placements in a disability context
  • piloting a student placement program across 21 disability service organisations, including in-home care experience
  • delivering a program to improve the supervision skills of disability service organisations

Priority 5: Achieving excellence in research and education

Future Social Services Institute

The workforce plan invests $2.6 million in the Future Social Service Institute (FSSI) to:

  • research emerging trends and opportunities
  • assist not-for-profits to reorient to the NDIS environment

FSSI is a unique collaboration between the Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS), RMIT University and the Victorian Government.

Our partnership supports career entrants, the existing disability workforce and research candidates.

Key achievements of FSSI include:

Priority 6: Promoting best practice support

Promoting collaborative practice across service systems

The workforce plan includes 4 projects that support the NDIS and mainstream service systems to work together:

  • children, youth and families
  • health
  • mental health
  • justice

These projects support people with complex needs who are often most vulnerable.

The Commonwealth funded these projects through its Sector Development Fund (replaced by the Jobs and Market Fund).

Promoting best practice behaviour support

The aim of this project is to reduce the use of restrictive practices and promote positive behaviour support.

We're working with disability service providers to:

  • implement the Roadmap to dignity without restraint
  • drive practice and cultural change needed to promote positive behaviour support
  • test the impact of these changes to provide an evidence base for the wider adoption of better practice across the state and nationally.

This project is being implemented in partnership between RMIT, National Disability Services (NDS) and the Victorian Government. It's due for completion in September 2019.

Priority 7: Building allied health capacity

Promoting greater use of the assistant workforce

We are building the capacity of the allied health system to meet community need by:

  • supporting greater use of the allied health assistant (AHA) workforce
  • using more disability support workers to provide health supports to participants.

Access the e-learning resources or download the Supervision and delegation framework for allied health assistants and the support workforce in disability.

Allied health capability framework: disability and complex support needs

We are building the capability of allied health professionals to provide high-quality, person-centred supports that promote choice and control for people with disability and complex support needs.

Download the Allied health capability framework: disability and complex support needs

Free tools and training resources are available to help implement the Framework via My Allied Health Space. These resources will:

  • help clinicians understand their professional strengths and areas of growth
  • support the development of career goals
  • assist employers to develop workforce plans
  • demonstrate adherence to the NDIS practice standards.

For more information visit the My Allied Health Space website.

Priority 8: Promoting the sector

Careers in the disability sector

We are funding job fairs, workshops and career expos to promote careers in disability.

Visit Victorian Skills Gateway for information on courses and occupations in demand.

Here's a video featuring Jack, a disability support worker, talking about his rewarding career.

Promoting and engaging the sector

In response to what you told us in the longitudinal study, we are improving the way we communicate via:

  • an improved workforce website
  • more resources for our workforce
  • social media campaigns
  • stories showcasing workforce achievements and roles

Priority 9: Measuring our progress


Over 3 years, an independent consultant is evaluating our workforce plan to:

  • understand its impact
  • check whether it's meeting the intended objectives
  • help us make improvements as we go
