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Minister’s Message

Minister's message for the Victorian State Schools Spectacular Souvenir Program 2024.

Congratulations to everyone taking part in the 2024 Victorian State Schools Spectacular.

Judging from this year’s theme, I can tell that you will all make a ‘’Splash’’ in your chosen fields of artistic expression.

This year’s show will portray a little girl’s dream sequence, sailing across the seas, exploring rivers and delving into life above and beneath the waves, right down to the microscopic world of a drop of dew.

Whether you are on stage at the John Cain Arena performing or behind the scenes ensuring sound, lighting, costumes and the many other moving parts are all working perfectly, I tip my hat to all of you.

You are part of an enormous cast and crew of 3,000 Victorian government school students from across the state.

For some of you, this could be the first step towards a long and rewarding career in the performing arts, creative industries or teaching the next generation.

I am incredibly proud of the students, teachers and industry professionals who work so hard throughout the year, creating and collaborating, rehearsing and fine-tuning to make the Victorian State Schools Spectacular come to life for audiences seated in the arena or watching live on television.

We are all about to see burst after burst of creative expression, passion and talent before our very eyes and I for one, am so excited to see it all unfold.

Student achievement comes in many forms beyond a study score, and all forms of excellence should be celebrated.

At a time when the Education State continues to inspire Victoria’s students to new levels of excellence, you have set the standard.

I encourage all of you to reflect proudly on your achievements.

Today is about celebrating not only your success but the extraordinary amount of work and perseverance it took to get here.

I wish you continued success as you make the most of your creative abilities.

The Hon. Ben Carroll MP

Deputy Premier

Minister for Education

Minister for Medical Research
