Governments are placing new expectations on education and training in the face of industry transformation, the desire for fair wage growth and the need for higher worker productivity.
Post-secondary education sector reforms
The Australian Government is undertaking a number of reforms across the post-secondary education sector to ensure that Australia can meet its knowledge and skills needs now and into the future.
These include:
- a forthcoming five-year National Skills Agreement with states and territories to lift the level of foundation skills through a strong TAFE system
- establishing Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to develop insights in collaboration with states and territories to inform migration, vocational and higher education settings
- Funding 10 Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) to engage industry and promote skills-based solutions to address workforce issues, enable rewarding careers and higher productivity
- reviewing Australia’s higher education system through the Australian Universities Accord to drive lasting and transformative change over the long-term, including by better aligning the vocational education and training (VET) and higher education systems.
Victoria operates within this national environment. Strong platforms for the delivery of quality education and training targeted to the future operate through the:
- Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery (OTCD)
- Apprenticeships Victoria
- Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board.
Quality-assured Skills First providers deliver this education and training.