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Using the Victorian Skills Plan

The Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024 is a continuation of the first plan released in 2022.

The Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024 is a continuation of the first plan released in 2022 – along with accompanying reports and data, these plans provide insights into the priorities for skills responses.

Priorities span the 2022 and 2023 plans, supported by identified actions, recommendations and advice. Each plan focuses on different elements of the priorities.

To assist with understanding where jobs are expected, each Victorian Skills Plan includes data on new jobs forecast in individual occupations, industries and regions. This year’s plan updates the forecast window to 2023 to 2026 for the more than 350 occupations across the Victorian economy.

The Victorian Skills Authority uses industry and place-based engagement to ensure the plan and follow-up is informed by on-the-ground feedback.

Accompanying the plan is a State of the Victorian Labour Market Report(opens in a new window) which provides in-depth analysis of labour market trends and challenges in Victoria over the past year to identify areas requiring an education and training response.

The Victorian Skills Plan Implementation Update(opens in a new window) advises on the work underway to complete the actions identified in the Victorian Skills Plan for 2022 into 2023 (henceforth referred to as Victorian Skills Plan 2022).
