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Our plan for action

Achieving more together: Collective impact and collaboration

If Victoria is to thrive in a rapidly changing world, it needs to draw on the strengths of everyone who contributes to the training and skills sector.

Prior to the VSA, there was no systemic way to bring together industry, providers and other stakeholders with a shared commitment to meeting skills needs.

Around half of all new jobs needed by 2025 will be filled by learners coming through higher education and, potentially, higher-level vocational education.

So collaboration across the state’s education community is vital to economic and social success.

A collective approach – where the sector buys into the behaviour change required – will be more effective than individual attempts at change.

The skills sector needs to come together across schools, Learn Locals, TAFE and training providers and universities to map career pathways, provide adaptable skills development opportunities and clear, flexible entry points for all learners.

Working together, connecting locally, delivering new approaches and acting with integrity is the key to success in building a world-class approach to skilling.

“Supporting Victoria’s priorities for its industry and its people does not come from a single action. Achieving quality and relevance of training in such a dynamic environment will be delivered when all parties with a stake in the outcome are engaged in developing solutions.”
– Craig Robertson, Victorian Skills Authority Chief Executive Officer

Share of forecast employment growth by education attainment, Victoria 2022 to 2025

Higher Education Vocational Education and Training No post-school qualification Total
Professionals 90% 10% 87,200
Managers 64% 36% 28,400
Technicians and Trades 19% 81% 19,700
Clerical and Administration 18% 54% 28% 14,000
Sales 9% 50% 41% 8,700
Community and Personal Service 7% 77% 16% 32,000
Machine Operators and Drivers 51% 49% 8,100
Labourers 33% 67% 14,000

Note: Employment growth is net new jobs only (and excludes replacing retirements or existing workers that move jobs).

Case study

Holmesglen Institute’s Victorian Tunnelling Centre offers specialist training to workers in the construction and operation of tunnels.

Victoria’s Big Build is delivering the rail and road projects that will keep Victorians moving for decades to come. Tunnels play an important part in that infrastructure, so ensuring a workforce with relevant skills is vital.
