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Working with Children Checks Report (2015)

The Victorian Government continues to strengthen the protection children receive through Working with Children Checks (WWCCs).

The majority of the recommendations in the Royal Commission’s WWCCs Report relate to the implementation of National Standards for WWCCs. In June 2019, Victoria endorsed these National Standards, noting at that time Victoria’s Working with Children Act 2005 already aligned with, or exceeded, most of the standards.

In October 2020, the Victorian Government passed reforms in Parliament that give effect to recommendation 3(a)(i) of the Royal Commission’s WWCCs Report, which called on states and territories to establish a central database that is readily accessible to all jurisdictions to record WWCC decisions.

Once they commence in early 2021, these reforms will enable the sharing of information relating to individuals who have been refused a WWCC with the WWCC National Reference System, a database established and maintained by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. The System will be accessible to all WWCC screening agencies across the country.

These reforms empower WWCC Victoria to participate with other jurisdictions in the sharing of negative assessment information with the System and ensure that any person refused a WWCC interstate can be appropriately assessed if they apply for a WWCC in Victoria.

The Victorian Government continues to work with the Australian Government and other states and territories regarding the implementation of the National Standards.
