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Sport, recreation, arts, culture, community and hobby groups

Volume 14 of the Final Report of the Royal Commission 2017 contains 4 recommendations to enhance child safety in sport, recreation, arts, culture, community and hobby groups. The Victorian Government accepted 2 recommendations, either in full or in principle, and noted 2 recommendations. You can read the Victorian Government’s response to Volume 14 here.

Enhancing child safety

The Royal Commission identified the need for sport and recreation organisations to have strategies to keep children safe.

Victoria’s Child Safe Standards apply to all organisations providing services or facilities for children, including sport and recreation organisations. The Victorian Government has also funded the development of targeted resources for implementing Victoria’s Child Safe Standards in sports clubs, leagues and associations.

The CCYP also offers a number of online resources in various languages, delivers information sessions, and keeps organisations informed of relevant developments via email and social media.
