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How to use the research agenda

The research agenda applies a Victorian specific lens to areas of research interests and a focus on opportunities for knowledge translation that support application of research to policy and practice.

This research agenda has been developed with the recognition that there is a broad range of research on family violence planned and underway across Australian universities and through the work of Australia’s National Research Organisation on Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and Our Watch and led by Respect Victoria.

While these areas of interest will overlap, the Victorian research agenda is not intended to duplicate this work. Instead, it applies a Victorian specific lens to shared research interests, and a focus on opportunities for synthesis and knowledge translation that support application of research to policy and practice.

This research agenda does not propose specific research questions or presume research methodologies. However, government does recognise that certain types of research may be more beneficial at this stage of continuously improving our evidence base.

This could include:

  • research that collates and translates existing evidence into policy relevant information that is firmly situated within the Victorian context, such as literature reviews or meta-analysis
  • research activities that focus on knowledge translation to help ensure that existing research is relevant and accessible to the people who work to prevent and respond to family violence and sexual violence and harm
  • action-oriented research that focuses on tangible outcomes that readily translate to reforms, policies and practice.

The research agenda articulates areas of research interest under high-level priorities. This is done with recognition of the overlap and intersection between the people, groups and experiences that are described under those priorities. Each person’s experience of family violence or sexual violence or harm is different. Further, some factors may combine to affect the risk, severity, frequency and diverse ways in which an individual might experience or use family violence. When conducting research aligned to the Victorian family violence research agenda, researchers and organisations are encouraged to consider those overlapping areas and interplays, and the extent to which they can provide nuanced evidence that supports the Victorian reforms.

Underpinning principles

In line with the scope and approach of the Victorian family violence reform, there is an expectation that research delivered under this agenda will apply or be underpinned by core principles. This includes consideration of the role of Aboriginal self-determination, gender inequality, intersectionality, and lived experience, and application of a system lens that recognises the cross-system nature of the Victorian reform.
