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Veteran Housing Australia Pty Ltd (VHA) - archive

Registered Housing Provider (HP) under the Housing Act 1983 (Vic) since 2022.

Housing portfolio

Key Performance Measures

Reported data is long-term housing (including SDA), rooming houses and short to medium term housing unless otherwise specified.

Note. VHA reported performance data for the first time in 2022-23.

Re-let time (tenantable) – the average number of days taken to re-let homes that were ready for a tenant to move in (long-term housing and rooming houses only).

Rent arrears – rent overdue at 30 June as a percentage of total rent charged during the financial year (long-term housing and rooming houses only).

Repairs – the percentage of urgent repairs completed within 24 hours and non-urgent repairs completed within 14 days of receiving a tenant request for maintenance.

Complaint resolution – the percentage of complaints from tenants and prospective tenants resolved within 30 days.

Tenant satisfaction – registered agencies are required to survey tenants at least once every two years regarding their housing services, consideration of tenant views, and maintenance.

  • No data available - VHA is due to survey tenants in 2023-24.
