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Using public wi-fi networks safely

No public wi-fi is totally secure. Here are some ways to stay safe when accessing any free public wi-fi network.

If your wi-fi connection isn’t encrypted, others using wi-fi in your area may be able to monitor information passing between your device and the network.

Staying safe on public wi-fi

  • Avoid sensitive transactions like banking and online shopping
  • Maintain anti-virus protection
  • Install a trusted VPN app
  • Keep software updated
  • Have strong passwords

Resources to help you stay safe online

Make a complaint about cyber safety

The Australian Communications and Media Authority(opens in a new window) has useful information on how to stay safe online. They can help with:

  • public complaints
  • cyber safety information.

The authority also completes:

  • cyber safety research
  • information awareness campaigns and activities
  • education materials for use in schools.

Get help using VicFreeWiFi

Contact TPG by phone: 1300 668 847 (iiNet Customer Service)


