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Part 2: Priority actions for agencies

Part 2 of this report identifies the priorities for immediate action by key agencies to effectively implement its recommendations.

The proposed programs are intended to promote an efficient and coordinated delivery of all the recommended actions, based on best practice. Most of the gains will take some time to achieve and will depend on both management commitment from both the Victorian Government and councils and the availability of training in new policies and processes.

In the short-term, there are some twenty opportunities for significant early improvement that should be given priority. These are listed below, grouped by the responsible agency.

Priorities for DELWP

Priorities for VPA and DJPR

Priorities for councils

The review identified several best practices already implemented by some councils that could be adopted by other councils as common practice. Councils could review their current arrangements and implement operational and business process improvements that support the objectives of this Review immediately. Some of these opportunities are listed below, including supporting councils in these efforts through a State-led Better Planning Approvals program.

Priorities for other agencies
