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Minister's Foreword

All Victorians deserve to feel safe and be safe on and around our roads

Image of Melissa Horne

The Hon Melissa Horne MP

  • Minister for Ports and Freight
  • Minister for Roads and Road Safety
  • Minister for Health Infrastructure

Victoria is a leader in road safety and has a strong track record in introducing lifesaving road safety policies over the decades. However, people continue to die or be seriously injured on our roads.

Any death on Victoria’s roads is a death too many. That’s why the Victorian Government is committed to halving road deaths by 2030 and eliminating death from our roads by 2050. Road safety is vitally important in achieving these goals and keeping Victorians safe on our roads.

This is the second Road Safety Action Plan delivering on the vision and goals of the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030.

It sets out the key work of our Road Safety Partners as we keep working towards our vision of zero deaths on our roads by 2050.

The number of lives lost and injuries on our roads is still unacceptably high.

Reducing road trauma is a complex challenge that we’re tackling in many ways, responding to pressures like population growth, as well as changes in how and where we move around the network.

We’re taking our lead from the internationally accepted Safe System approach to road safety. It recognises that people will make mistakes and may have road crashes – but that crashes should not result in death or serious injury.

The Victorian Government remains committed to taking action to protect lives, improve safety and achieve the targets set out in its Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030, with work in this Action Plan focused across education, infrastructure, enforcement, policy and technology.

A significant amount of work has been done, and this plan continues our efforts. This Action Plan focuses on the following priorities:

  • Improving safety across the network to reduce the risk of crashes happening and the tragic results when they do.
  • Protecting vulnerable and unprotected road users including pedestrians, bicycle users, other active transport users and motorcyclists.
  • Addressing risky behaviours such as speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs as well as distracted driving, driving while fatigued and not wearing seatbelts.
  • Improving vehicle safety by encouraging the uptake of newer, safer vehicles, and continuing to collaborate on vehicle standards and regulation.
  • Using research and data to inform and improve our approach to road safety, now and into the future.
  • Engaging to drive change through working with all tiers of government, as well as the Victorian community.

Our Road Safety Partners – the Department of Transport and Planning, Department of Health, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria Police and the Transport Accident Commission – work with and are supported by local governments and many stakeholders to improve the safety of our roads. I want to express my gratitude for all of their efforts.

Reducing road trauma is a shared responsibility. Success depends on everyone making safer choices and taking safer journeys on our roads.

I look forward to continuing to work with all Victorians on making our roads safe for everyone.
