Figure 3 shows an overview of the legislation, policy and frameworks that support Victoria’s response to family violence. It includes the following:
- MARAM reforms:
- Legislation and regulations
- Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Part 11):
1. Provides authority for the responsible Minister to approve the family violence framework
2. Requires framework organisations to align to the framework
3. Established Ministerial reporting obligations and a legislative review
- Regulations (Family Violence Protection (Information Sharing and Risk Management) Amendment Regulations 2018):
1. Defines prescribed matters for annual portfolio MARAM reports by Ministers, to be tabled in Parliament
2. Prescribes framework organisations
- Legislative instrument (Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework):
1. Establishes 10 principles reflecting the values underpinning the MARAM Framework
2. Defines four pillars with Framework requirements for alignment
3. Establishes 10 MARAM responsibilities for responding to family violence
- MARAM Framework:
1. Provides the evidence base and policy direction
2. Describes the system architecture and accountability mechanisms
3. Expands on the pillars in the legislative instrument
- Family violence related frameworks:
1. Everybody Matters: Inclusion and equity statement setting out the Victorian Government’s long-term vision for the creation of a family violence system that is more inclusive, safe, responsive and accountable for all Victorians
2. Dhelk Dja: An Aboriginal-led agreement that commits Aboriginal services and government to work together and be accountable for ensuring Aboriginal people, families and communities are stronger, safer, thriving and free from family violence
3. Nargneit Birrang: A clear framework to address family violence impacting Aboriginal people and communities based on six integrated principles for Aboriginal holistic healing
- Evaluations:
1. MARAM – 2020: Cube Group process evaluation of early implementation of the MARAM reforms
2. FVISS – 2020: Monash University Review of the Family Violence Information Sharing Legislative Scheme
3. MARAM AND FVISS – 2023: Five-year legislated review under the FVPA