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Charter of Engagement

Our commitment to engage meaningfully and transparently with stakeholders on issues and decisions that matter to them.

About us

Recycling Victoria provides leadership and oversight of waste, recycling, and resource recovery services to support the circular economy.

Our aim is to strengthen Victoria’s waste, recycling, and resource recovery sector, build resilience, and create markets for recycling products through monitoring, reporting, and regulation of waste and recycling management.

Recycling Victoria is a business unit of the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA).

We support compliance against standards for waste, recycling, and resource recovery services. We monitor and report on the system, oversee compliance, and intervene if needed.

We assist local government and Alpine Resorts Victoria with strategic procurement and contract management.

The Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 outlines activities that we will regulate. These include:

  • waste, recycling, and resource recovery services
  • Container Deposit Scheme
  • Waste to Energy Scheme.

We work with stakeholders to improve data collection practices. Our aim is to maximise the value of that data to our partners and stakeholders.

Purpose of the Charter of Engagement

This Charter of Engagement describes our commitment to engage meaningfully and transparently with stakeholders. It states how we will engage with stakeholders on issues and decisions that matter to them.

The Charter of Engagement aims to strengthen meaningful engagement practice across Victoria, to ensure we hear and understand the needs and opportunities of regional and metropolitan communities.

A whole of Victorian Government approach to engagement

Under the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021, Recycling Victoria is required to prepare a Charter of Engagement.

Our Charter applies the Victorian Government Public Engagement Framework, the DEECA Community Charter, and Traditional Owner and Aboriginal Community Engagement Framework.

The Public Engagement Framework aims to strengthen meaningful engagement practice in Victoria.

Victorian Government Public Engagement Framework Principles

  • Meaningful – engagement is genuine and informs the final decision.
  • Inclusive – engagement is respectful, inclusive, and accessible.
  • Transparent – engagement is clear and open about what the public can and cannot influence.
  • Informed – engagement provides relevant and timely information to the public.
  • Accountable – engagement is high quality and responsive to the public.
  • Valuable – engagement creates value for the community and government. This can include social, economic, and environmental value.

DEECA Community Charter

  • Be available
  • Involve and listen
  • Take action

Traditional Owner and Aboriginal Community Engagement Framework

  • Self-determination
  • Traditional Owners as partners
  • Place-based or whole-of-country approach
  • Respect for the decision-making process
  • Aboriginal people set their own priorities
  • Free, prior, and informed consent
  • Acknowledge past injustices and structural inequality

How we will know if our engagement has been successful

We will strive to achieve our commitment to engage in a meaningful and transparent way.

We will know we have been successful if you:

  • tell us we have communicated openly and honestly
  • are clear about what we do, and how we can help
  • are open with us and tell us about your issues and aspirations
  • trust us to do our jobs and to work with you
  • feel included and that you are part of our decision-making process.

We will report annually on our engagement activities.

How you can engage with us

If you are deaf or have a hearing impairment or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 or visit

When we are engaging, we ask that you:

  • be respectful of our staff, other community members, and stakeholders
  • provide us with feedback on our engagement so that we can improve our processes.
