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Call for submissions

The Tribunal invites interested persons or bodies to make a written or oral submission in relation to the Determination.

Submissions (and requests for assistance with making a submission) may be made at

Written submissions must be received by the Tribunal by 5pm on Monday 16 August 2021.

Those wishing to make an oral submission must advise the Tribunal by 5pm on Monday 26 July 2021.

All submissions will be published (in full or in summary) on the Tribunal website unless the person or body making the submission seeks confidentiality. If a submission contains commercially-sensitive information, it will be published in a form which protects commercial sensitivity.

Submissions that contain offensive or defamatory comments, or which are outside the scope of the Determination, will not be published.

The Tribunal may receive a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). Any such requests will be determined in accordance with that Act which has provisions designed to protect personal information and information given in confidence. Further information can be found at the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.

In addition to inviting submissions, the Tribunal will directly invite current Council members to complete an online questionnaire.

Consultation questions

Without limiting the matters persons or bodies may wish to raise in a submission, the Tribunal is particularly interested in receiving submissions on the following questions.

Roles of Council members

  • What are the most important duties and responsibilities of Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors?
  • How have the roles and responsibilities of Council members changed since the last review of Councillor allowances in 2008? What future challenges may emerge?
  • How are Council member roles affected by a Council’s electoral structure (for example, ward structure or ratio of Council members to population)?

Purpose of allowances

  • What is, or should be, the purpose of allowances for Council members?

Allowance category factors

  • What factors should be considered when allocating Councils to allowance categories? Is the existing system, in which Councils are allocated to categories based on population and revenue, appropriate?

Adequacy of allowances

Are current allowance values adequate, for example to:

  • attract suitable candidates to stand for Council?
  • reflect the costs (e.g. time commitment) and benefits of Council service?
  • support diversity amongst Council members and potential candidates?


  • How, if at all, should superannuation be considered in determining allowance values?


  • The Tribunal is required to consider allowances for persons elected to ‘voluntary part‑time community bodies’ when making the Determination. Which bodies should the Tribunal consider, and why?
  • The Tribunal is also required to consider similar allowances for elected members of local government bodies in other States. Which States are particularly relevant (or not) for this purpose, and why?

Financial impacts

  • What are the financial impacts of varying allowance values for Council members?
