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Abbreviations and glossary

Term or abbreviation Definition
2000 Allowances Review Victorian Councillor Allowances Review Panel (2000), Review of the remuneration of mayors and councillors.
2008 Allowances Review Local Government (Councillor Remuneration Review) Panel (2008), Local Government (Councillor Remuneration Review) Panel Report.
2008 Policy Statement State Government of Victoria (2008), Recognition and Support, the Victorian Government’s Policy Statement on Local Government Mayoral and Councillor Allowances and Resources.
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
AWOTE Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CPI Consumer Price Index
DTF Department of Treasury and Finance
ELGB Eligible Local Governing Body
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GSP Gross State Product
LGBTIQ+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and gender diverse, Intersex, Queer and questioning
LGI Local Government Inspectorate
2019 LGI survey Local Government Inspectorate (2020), Councillor expenses and allowances: equitable treatment and enhanced integrity.
LGV Local Government Victoria
MAV Municipal Association of Victoria
MAV Councillor census Municipal Association of Victoria (2018), MAV Councillor Census.
Municipal district The district for which a Council provides local government services.
p.a. per annum
RBA Reserve Bank of Australia
SG Act Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth)
Tribunal Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal
VAGO Victorian Auditor General’s Office
Victorian Budget Victorian Budget 2021/22
VIRTIPS Act Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 (Vic)
VLGA Victorian Local Governance Association
Wages Policy Wages Policy and the Enterprise Bargaining Framework
Ward A subdivision of a municipal district. Council members are elected to represent a ward. The entire municipal district is considered one ward if the municipal district is not subdivided.
WPI Wage Price Index
