We are building an evidence base to better understand how LGBTIQA+ Victorians experience all parts of life.
Our actions in the first year of the strategy are helping to improve LGBTIQA+ data collection. With this, we can better identify needs, understand how services are performing and know where we need more investment.
We are co-designing with communities to build a better understanding of LGBTIQA+ intersecting experiences
- We worked with the LGBTIQA+ Taskforce, Health and Wellbeing Working Group, and Justice Working Group to get valuable community advice on LGBTIQA+ issues. This is helping us meet communities’ needs as we action the LGBTIQA+ strategy.
- We engaged 10 organisations representing LGBTIQA+, multicultural and disability communities to support recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. This included 4 LGBTIQA+ organisations collecting LGBTIQA+ data. These insights will inform changes to current mental health data collection.
We are building the evidence base to better understand what the community needs
- We funded research to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family violence services for LGBTIQA+ people.
- We partnered with La Trobe University to build the evidence base on social and cultural practices of alcohol and tobacco use among lesbian, bi+ and queer women. They will share the results and translate them into practice through workshops, presentations and media.
- The Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector conducted the public sector's workplace gender audit. This workforce data includes attributes other than gender, such as Aboriginality, age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, race, religion and sexual orientation.
- We released the Diversity on Victorian Government board guidelines. These provide advice and support to departments to run inclusive board recruitment processes and better target priority groups, including LGBTIQA+ people. As part of this project, we are improving:
- data collection and management
- willingness to share LGBTIQA+ status
- the safety and inclusiveness of boards.
We delivered a dedicated LGBTIQA+ stream through the Government's Ageing Well consultations. We reached 1,200 members of our older LGBTIQA+ communities to better understand their experiences.