Completing a Wildlife Management Plan required under the Wildlife Act
Prior to developing the wildlife management plan
- Consider the wildlife issue and clearly determine the problem, reason for control, and how the control will resolve the problem
- Consult with the Conservation Regulator to determine whether an Authority to Control Wildlife and a wildlife management plan is necessary for your purpose
- Consult an ecologist or other suitably qualified professional to assist with plan development, expert advice, and surveys where required
Preparing the wildlife management plan
- The reason for management is clearly articulated
- The objectives of the plan are clearly described
- The wildlife problem is stated and supporting evidence provided
- Animal welfare is considered throughout the plan and supported by the actions proposed
- The species information provided demonstrates understanding of the species physiology and behaviour that may complicate the plan’s delivery
- Survey data for the species is provided, giving a recent site population estimate
- The site of proposed management is described, the landscape context of the site considered, and photographs of the site are provided
- The provided options analysis is comprehensive, including non-lethal and ‘do nothing’ options, with a clear recommendation on the proposed management method/s
- The provided operational plan (if required) is complete, with timelines estimated and responsibilities for actions set
- Relevant contingency plans are identified in the event of the operational plan being unsuccessful for the proposed management of wildlife
- Likely risks are identified in the plan and mitigation measures described
- Engagement information is provided where applicable
- A monitoring and reporting framework has been considered
Submitting the wildlife management plan
- An ATCW application form is filled in and submitted with the plan
- All required evidence is annexed to the plan
- Plan is submitted by email to the relevant regional Conservation Regulator team for assessment
Download checklist to complete Wildlife Management Plan required under the Wildlife Act
Completing a Wildlife Management Plan required under the Wildlife Act Checklist
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