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Part II Freedom of Information Act - information statement

Wage Inspectorate Victoria's information statement in accordance with Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

In accordance with Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), this information statement contains details about Wage Inspectorate Victoria on the following matters:

  1. organisation and functions
  2. categories of documents
  3. freedom of information (FOI) arrangements
  4. publications
  5. rules, policies and procedures
  6. report literature.

This statement provides an overview of our functions, a snapshot of the types of information and documents we hold, and instructions on how to access the information, locate publicly available documents and make a request under the FOI Act.

We make information publicly available on our website at

We make as much information as possible publicly available to reduce the need for the public to request access to documents under the FOI Act.

For more information about FOI in Victoria, please visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s (OVIC) website.

Statement 1 - Organisation and functions


We are an independent statutory authority established under the Wage Theft Act 2020. Prior to our establishment as an authority, we were part of Industrial Relations Victoria in the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Our vision

The Wage Inspectorate helps Victorians work better. Through our work, we aim to even the playing field for businesses and ensure workers are treated fairly. We also hold to account those who break the law, using our powers in a fair and proportionate matter. We believe that nobody should get ahead, in the workplace or in business, by mistreating or short-changing others.

Our areas of focus are:

  • vulnerable workers
  • deliberate exploitation
  • record keeping
  • wilful disregard for the law
  • high risk industries
  • child safety and welfare.


Robert Hortle was appointed the inaugural Commissioner of the Wage Inspectorate on 17 June 2021.

The Commissioner is the public service body head of the Wage Inspectorate and holds office for a term not exceeding 5 years. The Commissioner is responsible for undertaking the strategic leadership of the Wage Inspectorate and has all the duties, functions and powers of the Wage Inspectorate as provided under the Wage Theft Act 2020.

The Commissioner also has other duties, functions and powers conferred on the Commissioner under other Acts, including the Child Employment Act 2003, Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005, Long Service Leave Act 2018 and Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005 (the Acts).


We employ staff under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004 to administer the Acts.

The Commissioner is supported by a Deputy Commissioner, a Director, and Assistant Directors who oversees a number of operational and administrative teams.

You can also view our Organisation Structure for further information.


We undertake education, compliance and enforcement functions in relation to child employment, child safe standards, long service leave, owner-drivers and wage theft laws as set out in the following legislation (the Acts):

  • Child Employment Act 2003
  • Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005
  • Long Service Leave Act 2018
  • Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005
  • Wage Theft Act 2020.

Our functions, include but are not limited to:

  • informing, educating and assisting people in relation to their rights and responsibilities under the Acts
  • assessing applications and issuing employment licences to allow child under 15 to be employed
  • promoting, monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Acts and regulations
  • investigating the commission of or possible commission of offences and related matters under the Wage Theft Act 2020
  • bringing criminal proceedings in relation to the offences committed under the Acts
  • developing guidelines in relation to the Acts, providing advice and reporting to the Minister on the guidelines or any other matter referred to the us by the Minister
  • engaging in, promoting and coordinating the sharing of information with other government agencies and bodies of the government of the Commonwealth and State or a Territory, for the purposes of the Wage Theft Act 2020
  • disseminating information about the duties, rights and obligations of persons under the Wage Theft Act 2020 and regulations
  • referring matters, as appropriate to other bodies
  • performing functions necessary for the administration of the Acts
  • any other functions given to us by the Acts or any other Act.

In carrying out a function or power under the Acts, or any other Act, we adhere to the guiding principles to:

  • act in a fair, impartial and independent manner
  • act in a manner that is transparent, accountable and consistent
  • act in a consultative and collaborative manner to the extent that is consistent with the carrying out of a function or power.

You can read more about the Wage Inspectorate at

You can also review the following pages which provide further information about our functions:

Statement 2 - Categories of documents

In the course of our work and functions, we create, collect and store a broad range of electronic and hard copy documents.

The types of documents we have in our possession include:

  • policy, procedures and standards
  • briefings and reports
  • case files
  • registers
  • correspondence
  • meeting records
  • financial records
  • human resource management
  • audio-visual materials.

Documents we hold are generally organised under the following categories:

  • administrative
  • business planning
  • training and education
  • financial management
  • human resources
  • legal
  • policy
  • operational.

Statement 3 - Freedom of information (FOI) arrangements

Under the FOI Act, all members of the public have the right to access documents held and produced by Victorian Government departments and agencies, subject to certain exceptions and exemptions.

The object of the FOI Act is to extend as far as possible the right of the community to access information in the possession of the Government and other bodies constituted under the law of Victoria.

For more information on our freedom of information arrangements, visit Make a Freedom of Information Request.

Statement 4 - Publications

As part of our work, we produce a number of publications which can be accessed and downloaded from our webpage at, including:

  • organisation structure
  • current policies and guidelines
  • facts sheets
  • media releases.

Statement 5 - Rules, policies and procedures

There are rules, policies and procedures in place to govern our daily operations and in support of our administrative functions, such as our:

If you are searching for a specific topic, you can search our website or contact us.

Statement 6 - Report literature

The Wage Inspectorates publishes a Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register.
