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A key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Family Violence was to establish a network of Support and Safety Hubs, now known as The Orange Door network, across Victoria.[1] The Orange Door network is an integral part of the family violence and family services systems. It provides an entry point into the continuum of services that aims to ensure there is no wrong door to access high quality, consistent and effective support for children, young people and families in communities. The service is free, and people do not need a professional referral to access The Orange Door network and its integrated service model.

No matter where you live in the state you can access support through The Orange Door. Family Safety Victoria (FSV) has worked in close partnership with agencies and other stakeholders to establish the governance, workforce and operational arrangements to ensure that the state-wide service model is appropriately tailored to each local area context.[2]

The significant work undertaken across government and the community sector to build networks of safety and to connect services has been central to the successful implementation of The Orange Door network. There continues to be an enormous commitment and effort by The Orange Door network workforce and partner agencies delivering this new service model. Operations are continually evolving, constantly informed by the evidence of what works.

During the 2021-22 financial year The Orange Door network commenced operations in Ovens Murray, Inner Eastern Melbourne, South West (Wimmera South West), Southern Melbourne, Outer Gippsland, Hume Moreland and Outer Eastern Melbourne (Figure 1).

Service and operations commenced in accordance with The Orange Door COVID Safe Plans and Standard Operating Procedures for either working on-site or when staff were required to work remotely.[3] Beyond the reporting period of this report, the final 3 implementation areas had also commenced services by October 2022.

Figure 1. The Orange Door network across Victoria

Source. Contact Us webpage, The Orange Door network website 2022[4]

The Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) performance audit conducted in 2019 made 9 recommendations focusing on project planning, management and governance, operational delivery, support for integrated practice, performance reporting and oversight, and continuous improvement.[5]

During this reporting period, 4 recommendations have been addressed, including 3 new initiatives this financial year:

  • development of a Performance Framework for The Orange Door
  • refresh of The Orange Door induction program which incorporates comprehensive training in the coordination of service responses through integrated practice for clients
  • strengthening of cultural safety in The Orange Door network through the introduction of statewide mandatory cultural safety training and assessment, as well as action planning tools.

Work continues on the remaining 5 recommendations, as dicussed further in the conclusion of this report.


[1] Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations website, State Government of Victoria, accessed 7 November 2022.

[2] Family Safety Victoria website, State Government of Victoria, accessed 7 November 2022.

[3] COVID Safe Plan website, State Government of Victoria, accessed 7 November 2022.

[4] The Orange Door network, Contact Us webpage, State Government of Victoria, accessed 7 November 2022. Note Brimbank Melton, Western Melbourne and Wimmera were not operational at the end of the 2021-22 financial year.

[5] Managing Support and Safety Hubs webpage, Victorian Auditor-General’s Office, accessed 7 November 2022.
