Program details
- Priority area: Access and inclusion
- Primary audience: Educators, children
- Delivery mode: Group training, online, coaching, consultancy, professional services
- Strength of evidence: Level 6 – Supported by expert opinion
- AEDC sub-domains: Not applicable
- Item cost: Moderate ($200–$2,000 per person/item) to High (>$2,000 per person/item)
Program description
The early years are recognised as the foundation years for children’s development. In particular, the first 6 years are crucial for young children in developing their language and identity. Secure and trusting relationships between children, families and early childhood professionals, are essential for children to feel valued and accepted.
fka Children's Services (fkaCS) advocates for children's cultural and linguistic rights and provides professional development and support to education and care services in the provision of culturally rich environments that reflect a civil society.
fkaCS support is directly aligned with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) and the National Quality Standards, and is underpinned by the United Nations Convention of the rights of the child.
Programs are designed to support kindergartens develop and embed a cultural inclusion strategy to ensure their pedagogy and practice respects multiple ways of being and understanding and children are supported in learning English as an additional language.
fkaCS uses a multimodal approach to delivery that may include a mixture of onsite and online support. Our support packages are designed in collaboration with each kindergarten service or group of services to develop an agreed program of support which may include:
- cultural inclusion action planning to identify the unintended barriers for children's and family's active participation in education and care services
- the provision of an fkaCS Community Language Support Worker who speaks a community language (this support can be delivered onsite with children, or online with key educators to support embedding home languages in the learning environment, or support educators in their understanding of children's bilingual identities)
- culturally responsive curriculum and practice program design and implementation
- support in developing communication and engagement tools and strategies
- online or onsite individual or group coaching and mentoring
- group or self-paced professional facilitated learning opportunities.
fkaCS offers 4 packages of cultural inclusion support for kindergarten services, customised to meet individual needs. Within each package, services can decide what level of support they require in consultation with fka Children's Services.
Detailed cost
Support packages:
- Package 1 – $1,650.00 (including GST)
- Package 2 – $3,300.00 (including GST)
- Package 3 – $4,950.00 (including GST)
- Package 4 – $6,600.00 (including GST)
- Bespoke: Starting from $990 (including GST)
Services that do not wish to purchase a package outlined above should contact fkaCS to discuss costs for different levels of support.
fkaCS does not charge kindergarten services for travel.
Implementation considerations
- Target population: children, parent/carers and educators in kindergarten settings who require support in the areas of cultural competency, inclusion and maintaining home language.
- Staffing: services should consider the cost of backfill when determining the cost of accessing the training and consultancy elements of this resource. The provider recommends the following as the minimum backfill requirements per participant to engage in Cultural Inclusion Support:
- Package 1 – 3 hours
- Package 2 – 6 hours
- Package 3 – 9 hours
- Package 4 – 12 hours
- Services may wish to consider adding additional backfill hours to support the implementation of their learning into their program and practice.
- fkaCS is available and encourage kindergarten services to discuss their needs for support and backfill and the planning stage of their SRF annual plan.
VEYLDF alignment
Item uses these practice principles
- Reflective practice
- Partnerships with families
- High expectations for every child
- Respectful relationships and responsive engagement
- Equity and diversity
- Assessment for learning and development
- Integrated teaching and learning approaches
- Partnerships with professionals.
Item responds to these sub-outcomes
Not applicable.