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Ministerial diary disclosures

Ministers are required to publish summaries from their diaries on a quarterly basis.

In accordance with section 5.3 of the Ministerial Code of Conduct, ministers must publish summaries from their diaries on a quarterly basis.

What is included in ministerial diary disclosures

Ministerial diary disclosures must detail scheduled meetings with stakeholders, external organisations, third-party lobbyists, Government Affairs Directors, and external individuals. They should also disclose meeting dates, attendees, organisation/company names, and the purpose of meetings.

Meeting attendees will have their names and job titles (if applicable) included, with the exception of internal ministerial staff and VPS staff who will have job titles listed only.

Registered lobbyists will have their name, company, and a link to their entry on The Victorian Register of Lobbyists included. The summary will also outline the client and matter they are representing at the meeting.

What is not included in ministerial diary disclosures

Ministerial diary disclosures do not capture all meetings a minister attends. Certain meetings are not required to be disclosed, such as internal meetings with departmental staff and government agencies, social events and functions, media meetings and interviews, and Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings.

Reporting frequency

As the Code commenced on 1 December 2023, the first reporting period for ministerial diaries was a partial quarter from 1 December to 31 December 2023.

Publication of ministerial diaries will occur quarterly from 2024, with the first quarter from January to March 2024.
