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Five-year evidence review (MARAM Framework and practice guides)

Find the latest news and information about the 5-year evidence review for Quarter 4 2022-23.

What is the 5-year evidence review?

The Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic) requires a review of the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) evidence base every 5 years.

The first of these reviews will examine the Framework and key supporting resources, including victim survivor-focused MARAM Practice Guides and tools, published in 2019.

The review will:

  • assess whether the approved framework reflects the current best practice evidence for family violence risk assessment and family violence risk management

  • recommend if any changes are required to ensure the approved framework is consistent with those best practices.

What has been achieved so far?

In November 2022, FSV engaged Allen & Clarke Consulting to undertake the 5-year evidence review. Key activities have included completion of a draft literature review, stakeholder consultations during May and June 2023 and commencement of second phase consultations to test emerging findings and recommendations in late July 2023.

In May 2023, FSV also engaged Monash University to undertake a data review. The data review will determine what MARAM risk factor data is available across the system and then analyse this data to better understand the links between MARAM risk factors and seriousness of risk and lethality. The project commences with a feasibility study involving key informant interviews with data custodians (currently underway).

What is planned next?

Allen & Clark Consulting’s second phase consultations are continuing in August 2023, to test findings and recommendations via a survey with the same stakeholders engaged in the first phase of consultation in May to June.

Final reports on the reviews conducted by Allen & Clarke Consulting and Monash University will be provided to FSV by the end of 2023 and detail findings and recommendations and inform continuous improvement of the MARAM Framework.
