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Family Violence Industry Plan: Second Rolling Action Plan

Find the latest news and information about the Family Violence Industry Plan: Second Rolling Action Plan for Quarter 2 2022-23.

What is the Second Rolling Action plan, and why is it needed?

The 10-Year Family Violence Industry Plan, Building from Strength, is being implemented through a series of 3 Rolling Action Plans (RAPs). The first RAP covered the period 2018-2022 and has now concluded. The second RAP, covering the period 2023-2026, is now in development. It will guide the family violence workforce reform agenda over the next 3 years.

What has been achieved so far?

Development work on the second RAP began in 2022. In 2022, FSV had initial conversations with external stakeholders focused on the overall approach proposed for the plan. The plan is based around 3 elements:

  1. Consolidation of existing reforms – given the second RAP will be released mid-way through a 10-year reform program, its primary focus will be on continuing and consolidating reforms that are already underway. These include the continuing implementation of MARAM, the implementation of revised Capability Frameworks for family violence prevention and response, and the continued rollout of accredited family violence training.
  2. A targeted research agenda – serving to lay the foundation for further reform over the longer term, by helping us develop a more detailed understanding of some of the most difficult challenges facing the workforce. These may include remuneration, secure employment and workforce wellbeing.
  3. A small number of areas for scaled-up effort – where there is opportunity to make an impact by directing more attention to particular areas. These may include stronger collaboration across social services of workforce supply initiatives, continuing to develop the training architecture for workforce capability building, and creating stronger career pathways for the specialist family violence and sexual assault workforce.

What is happening now?

Stakeholder consultation is being planned in collaboration with specialist peak bodies and is expected to occur over the coming months. This is likely to focus on the research agenda and areas for scaled-up effort.

What is planned next?

Further information on opportunities to be involved in the consultation is expected to be available soon.
