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Funding conditions

The following conditions will apply to all successful applicants of the program:

  • the grant recipient must enter into a Victorian Common Funding Agreement (funding agreement) with the Department of Premier and Cabinet which will set out the conditions, reporting requirements and contractual targets of the funding
  • the funded activity must start by May 2025 and be completed by Friday 18 December 2026
  • a maximum of 10 percent can be allocated to the administration costs of your activity out of total grant funds
  • funds must be spent on the project as described in the funding agreement
  • any unspent funds must be returned to the department
  • any variation to the approved project must be submitted to the department for approval before implementation
  • where relevant, organisations must arrange Working with Children checks on staff and people aged 18 and over who come into regular, direct and unsupervised contact with young people.

Where funding will support the care, education, services or activities for children (under 18 years), the applicant must be:

  • a separate legal entity that can be sued in its own right in child abuse proceedings
  • appropriately insured against child abuse.

This requirement improves the ability of child abuse survivors to bring a legal claim for compensation and ensure that successful claims can be paid.

Payment and reporting

Successful organisations will be paid once the agreed project milestones and deliverables outlined in the funding agreement are completed.

Milestone payments are made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Reporting requirements may include six monthly and yearly progress reports, updated project plans/budgets, and a final report including financial acquittal.

Successful applicants must acknowledge funding from the Victorian Government.
