Vision, purpose and document details
By 2020, the Victorian Government and its citizens will have access to trusted information that improves decision making, enables insight and supports the planning and delivery of good policy and better services to the public.
To enhance decision making, policy development and service delivery by providing greater insight and supporting evidence.
Applies to: All Departments and Victoria Police
Authority: Chief Information Officers Leadership Group
Period: 2016 to 2020
Advised by: Department of Premier and Cabinet
Issue date: December 2016
Document ID: IM FMW 01
Review date: December 2019
Version 1.0
The Information Management Framework (framework) provides a high-level view of the Victorian Government’s information management landscape and a shared direction for government and agency information management practice.
The framework is a consistent approach and a logical construct of government information management. It is intended as a navigational tool that helps agencies to explore the information management framework and its enablers and components.
The framework is not a complete view of all information management functions; it focuses predominantly on where the government needs to improve its information management practice.
The framework will result in a programme of work for government as well as each agency, with an emphasis on prioritising implementation based on business drivers and risk, and guided by the Information Technology Strategy for the Victorian Government, 2016–2020 (IT strategy).
The glossary of terms and abbreviations used in this document are defined in the IM GUIDE 03 Information Management Glossary.
The problem
The need for an Information Management Framework includes:
1. The Victorian Auditor General Office (VAGO) audit Access to Public Sector Information identified the need for an information management framework at the government level. Recommendation 7 of the audit notes:
It is recommended that the Department of Premier and Cabinet works with agencies that have whole-of-government information management responsibilities, in consultation with the wider public sector, to develop a whole-of-government information management framework that:
- applies to all forms of public sector information
- includes open access to public sector information as a default position
- incorporates the data release requirements of the Department of Treasury & Finance’s DataVic access policy
- includes effective implementation, governance and monitoring arrangements
- is underpinned by appropriate legislation.
2. The Royal Commission into Family Violence identified a lack of data management, information sharing and business intelligence as an underlying theme in their findings.
3. The Productivity Commission’s issues paper for the inquiry into data availability and use highlighted insufficient data sharing between agencies, insufficient dataset linkages, little public access to administrative data, limited data access for research, non-standardised datasets and missed potential for stronger evidence-based policy.
4. The Public Record Office of Victoria (PROV) report Information Management Maturity Current State Assessment 2015-2016 Version 1: Identified Data highlighted that, of the eight departments and agencies that self-assessed, the average information management maturity score was 2.6 out of 5 (1 being unmanaged to 5 being proactive). Most respondents rated well on information management governance and strategy (average of 3.4 and 3.1 respectively), but poorly on assessing their compliance to information management statutory and regulatory obligations (average of 1.6).
5. Action 3 of the IT strategy requires the development of an Information Management Framework to improve how the government creates manages, uses, shares and releases its information and data.
The primary objective of the framework is to enhance decision making, policy development and service delivery by providing greater insight and supporting evidence.
It also aims to:
- Facilitate innovation through improved management of information.
- Create a standard approach to information management across the government.
It will achieve these objectives by:
- Establishing, applying and communicating systematic and consistent practices for creating, managing and using information.
- Improving the sharing of information between all levels of government and external partners.
- Promoting adoption of open access to government information.
- Maximising the value and quality of government information.
Uplifting information management capability.
The framework addresses issues identified during the consultation process including:
- Information management is not always understood, prioritised or resourced by agency management.
- Information management practice is inconsistent and siloed within agencies and across government, although some groups do have a high level of practice maturity.
- Information sharing and release are hindered by concerns around information quality, privacy compliance, proprietorship, lack of descriptive information about assets, lack of standardisation, old technology and a lack of consideration during system and process design and development.
- The lack of data sharing is impacting the capacity of government to deliver its core services, particularly in the areas of regulation and enforcement, community safety and planning for development/infrastructure.
- There is limited regard for managing information as a permanent record (archiving), nor disposal of redundant, obsolete or trivial information.
- Individual capability and organisational capacity are seen as significant hurdles to improving information management practice and information sharing and release.
- The volume of information and data are growing exponentially.
The following departments and agencies are formally in scope:
- Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
- Department of Education and Training
- Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Justice and Regulation
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
- Department of Treasury and Finance
- Victoria Police.
The framework is also applicable to the broader public services (if they are interested in adopting it)
The framework
The framework provides a structural view of the government’s existing and desired information management environment.
Information management framework:
- Business drivers
- Information management policy
- Information management reference model
Enablers - people, process and technology:
- Information governance
- Data management
- People, capability and culture
- Security and privacy
- Life cycle management
- Use, share and release
- Technology
- Progress tracking
- Supporting agencies

Business drivers
The benefit of investment in information management usually isn’t found in information management itself but rather in how information and data supports business outcomes.* Information management should not be an isolated activity; it should support government and agency business drivers.
Understanding this helps to prioritise and improve the relevance of information management to the government and the importance of information in driving insight and making informed decisions.
* The Business Case for Information Management, Oracle, December 2008.
Information management policy
The Victorian Government Information Management Policy (policy) will provide a statement of intent and accountability towards the management of the government’s information and data. It will provide a forward vision and the principles that underpin the Information Management Framework and the government’s information management practice.
Information Management Reference Model
The Information Management Reference Model (reference model) provides a more detailed visual of the framework, articulating its enablers and components (see Appendix 1 Information management reference model).
‘Enable: to supply with the means, knowledge, or opportunity (to do something); make able’*
The enablers document the logical constructs of information management that contribute to improving information and information management practice. The enablers group together the components detailed in the reference model. Some components may be linked to other enablers and other components and are not mutually exclusive (see Appendix 2 – Components for a more detailed description of each component).
The components of an enabler are the distinct and necessary functions of information management; they either already exist or are a target to strive for over time.
* Enable definition, The Free Dictionary
Enabler: information governance
This enabler addresses how the government’s information is managed to support decision making, policy development and service delivery. It focuses on information management practice and the governance of information. It also aims to promote the significance of information to government and information relevance and commitment.
The discipline and rigour of information governance (in the creation, management and use of information) will:
- Ensure government information supports and aligns with business drivers and strategic objectives.
- Ensure government information is managed in line with regulatory and statutory requirements i.e. privacy, data protection, records management, intellectual property, copyright management and freedom of information.
- Improve ownership and accountability regarding government information.
- Increase the value of government information as an operational and strategic asset.
- Ensure government information is managed according to its purpose and associated risk profile.
The initial focus of this enabler is on developing a whole of government direction for information management governance.
Enabler: data management
‘Data management is the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programs and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data and information assets.’*
In this framework, ‘information’ means ‘information and data’ (and data ownership and governance is covered by the information governance enabler). Focusing on the practice of data management specifically highlights the importance of data as a tactical and strategic asset and as an enabler of insight and business transformation.
- Initial focus of this enabler: Reducing the cost of creating, managing and using data.
- Increasing data business value, i.e. data enrichment, fitness for purpose and potential to be shared and released (reused and repurposed).
- Making data easier to find, access and use.
- Reducing the risk associated with poorly managed data.
- Improving data quality.
- Creating consistency in data management practice.
- Providing the building blocks for developing knowledge capabilities, e.g. insight registers.
The initial focus of this enabler is on developing a common approach to data management and delivery of Action 5 of the IT strategy, which is to ‘identify potential master data sets and design the cross-sharing of these data sets with a supporting business case’.
*DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge, DAMA,
Enabler: people, capability and culture
‘A culture in which the value and utility of information in achieving operational and strategic success is recognised, where information forms the basis of organizational decision making and information technology is readily exploited as an enabler for effective information systems.’*
The government’s information management practice is only as successful as the connection between its people and the information they create, manage and/or use.
This enabler is about ensuring the improvement of information management practice by building individual responsibility and capability, plus organisational accountability and capacity. It is about creating a culture where information and data are recognised and managed as assets and key drivers of success.
Initial focus of this enabler:
- Identifying the competencies of improved information management practice.
- Building the capability of individuals through education and providing opportunities to share knowledge.
- Building organisational capacity through workforce planning and resourcing.
This enabler will support the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction.
*Choo, W., Bergeron, P., Detlor, B. and Heaton, L., 2008, Information Culture and Information Use: An Exploratory Study of Three Organizations, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, page 2.
Enabler: security and privacy
This enabler highlights the government’s responsibility to protect the security of its information and data. Its emphasis is on protecting the privacy of the individual and minimising risk to government, by ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of government information.
This enabler considers the balancing of appropriate privacy and security with open access to information and information sharing. It focuses on information privacy, protective data security and law enforcement data security (see the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic)), the creation of a secure government network and the protection of government information from cyber threats (see the Network and Cyber Security Statement of Direction).
The initial focus of this enabler is on ensuring the outcomes of the framework fulfil and align with information security and privacy requirements.
Enabler: lifecycle management
This enabler considers the lifecycle of information and the people, processes and technologies that help to protect it, manage it and extend its value and usefulness to government.
Lifecycle management is about developing a better understanding of how information is created, managed and used. It looks at ways to reduce inefficiencies and prioritise usefulness over time.
Initial focus of this enabler:
- Educating information asset owners (as a follow-on from the government’s Information Management Policy).
- Reducing the government’s dependency on manual processes and hard copy records by digitisation and end-to-end digital processes.
- Ensuring that information is captured and retained for as long as it is required for evidential, business and information purposes and only destroyed when authorised.
- Preservation and disposal of agency information assets in accordance with PROV standards.
- Reducing the impact of caretaker periods and machinery of government changes.
- Increasing the value to government (and the community) of key government programmes such as royal commissions and enquiries.
- Building the management of information into key processes and practice areas e.g. project management templates.
Enabler: use, share and release
This enabler is about allowing our information to be of greater benefit to government and the community by increasing the opportunity for reuse, repurpose and collaboration where applicable or protecting it where required.
This enabler is about:
- collecting data once but using it multiple times
- sharing data across organisational boundaries
- reducing information duplication
- increasing insight (and evidence based decision-making) and innovation through data linkage, integration and analysis
- increasing productivity through the availability and use (reuse and repurpose) of data
- increasing government accountability and transparency.*
Initial focus of this enabler:
- Creating a shared vision, approach and governance model for the sharing and release of information
- Identifying and overcoming the people, process and technology hurdles to information sharing and release.
*Capturing the benefits of information sharing, NSW Government, February 2015.
Enabler: technology
The technology enabler is about supporting information and information management by focusing on business intent, government direction, and the standardisation of implementation and usage of technology. It is not about implementing government-wide technical solutions, nor is it about whole-of-government licensing (unless there is a clear business case).
This enabler facilitates the technological requirements of the framework such as integration (for sharing) and open data services (for release). It also supports the technical innovation and leadership required to manage information and the business systems in which government information resides. Ultimately the aim is to decrease the technical complexity around information management and increase the value of information to government.
Initial focus of this enabler:
- Data integration services to support data sharing, integration and analysis.
- Discoverability of data, long term storage and archiving of permanent records.
- Creating standardisation across departments in the use and availability of systems of record.
- Improving the data quality and integrity and management of government contact information.
Supporting agencies
Government agencies that support the practice of information management:
- Victorian Centre for Data Insights (Department of Premier and Cabinet)
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
- DataVic (Department of Premier and Cabinet)
- Digital Strategy and Transformation (Department of Premier and Cabinet)
- Digital Design and Innovation (Department of Premier and Cabinet)
- Health Complaints Commissioner
- Public Record Office Victoria
- Victorian Government Library
- Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA)
Progress tracking
The progress tracking component of the framework is the means by which both the government and the agencies will monitor improvements relating to the management of information, data and information management practice capabilities.
- Information Management Maturity Measurement (IM3): The Information Management Maturity Measurement (IM3) (managed by PROV) is a self-assessment tool to assess the level of maturity of information management strategies and practices within the government.
- VAGO audits: The Victorian Auditor General’s Office (VAGO) conducts performance audits of the government as required by section 13 of the Audit Act 1994 (Vic).
- IT Strategy reporting: Digital Strategy and Transformation will report on IT strategy actions that have resulted from the development of the framework.
- Assurance Model: The Victorian Protective Data Security Framework (VPDSF) Assurance Model (managed by CPDP) is designed to monitor and measure protective data security practice.
- Information release measures: Information release performance measures, to be established by DataVic, to assess quality and usefulness of information released to the public.
- Agency information management assurance: Agency’s internal assurance of information management progress against key performance indicators and compliance to relevant legislation and regulations.
Further information
Please contact the Digital Strategy and Transformation at the Department of Premier and Cabinet by emailing
Appendix 1 – Information Management Reference Model

Appendix 2 – Components
Delivery of component outcomes will be aligned with the IT strategy and prioritised on a financial-year basis.
Enabler: information governance
Information management governance
Information management governance is about the ownership and decision rights around information. It is about maturing information management practice and creating a culture that ensures managerial oversight is in place to properly manage and maintain information assets.
This component creates a standard direction for the governance of information and information management, including:
- roles and responsibilities
- alignment with business objectives and strategic direction
- delivery of information management initiatives based on risk prioritisation
- regulatory and legislative compliance
- information asset management
- assessing maturing of practice (see IM3).
Note: Information Asset Custodianship (IM/STD/01), Agency Information Management Governance (IM/STD/02) and Information Management Roles and Responsibilities (IM/GUIDE/01) will be superseded by the actions and outcomes of this component.
Strategic direction and alignment
Critical to the success of information management is strategically planning how information will be improved, aligning with and supporting the strategic directions of the agency and government.* Information governance should be about ensuring information enables better business and societal outcomes. This component is about agency and government information management strategic planning.
Information risk management
Identifying, evaluating and mitigating the risks (threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences) around information helps to protect its confidentiality, integrity and availability. It also helps prioritise information and information management improvement activities.
This component is about managing information as an operational and strategic risk. It is about using the Victorian Government Risk Management Framework as the standard approach to assessing information-associated risk as a part of enterprise risk management.
Regulations and legislation
The specific policies, regulations and legislation that govern the government’s information include:
- Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic)
- DataVic Access Policy
- Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
- Public Records Act 1973 (Vic)
- WoVG Intellectual Property Policy
- Health Records Act 2001 (Vic)
- Evidence Act 2008 (Vic)
- Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)
- Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 (Cth)
Agencies may also need to comply with national and agency-specific policies and legislation.
This component is about proactive and planned management of information in accordance with legislative and regulatory obligations.
It supports IT strategy Action 1, which recommends the government ‘introduce legislation to reform the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) and the Office of the Freedom of Information Commissioner.’
Information asset management
Information assets are critical to the government’s decision-making, policy development and service delivery. Like other assets, throughout its lifecycle, information needs to be managed and maintained as an operational and strategic asset.
This component focuses on confirming the government’s approach to information asset management, including identifying significant and critical information assets, accessibility and discovery (information asset registers) and management of assets throughout their lifecycles.
Accountability and custodianship
Having clear accountability and custodianship of an agency’s information assets supports overall information asset management, helps prevent breaches of regulatory or statutory obligations and optimises the value of information as an operational and strategic asset.
This component focuses on developing agency accountability towards its information by defining information asset custodianship, and information management roles and responsibilities.
Enabler: data management
Data architecture and modelling
Data architecture and modelling delivers an enterprise, programme or system view of an agency’s data in relation to its environment. It provides opportunities to understand, simplify and standardise. Adopting a standard method across government will enable efficiencies and support a systematic approach to data sharing within and between agencies and help prioritise investments towards information systems.
This component encourages the practice of modelling significant and critical data assets (at a minimum) based on open industry standards. It includes the harmonisation of terminology, common business definitions and identifying current state and future need.
Metadata management
Well-described data (using metadata) can be located easily, its quality understood and its fitness for use confirmed. Sound metadata supports governance, accountability and control (risk, security, privacy and compliance).
This component involves taking a common approach to metadata for government information; adhering to existing standards and metadata schemas appropriate to the asset, business function or system, e.g. METeOR for health, housing and community services, VERS for electronic records and AGLS for online resources.
Data quality management
Trusted and high-quality data is essential for confident decision making, policy development and service delivery. Data doesn’t have to be perfect to be useful, but it must be fit for its intended purpose(s).
Measuring and communicating the quality of a data asset helps to determine its usefulness and foster transparency and accountability.
This component aims to embed a systematic approach to continuous data quality planning and improvement, including:
- Issue identification and root-cause analysis (people, process and technology).
- Standardisation of elements and measures of quality.
- Monitoring and reporting on data quality improvement.
- Consideration of data quality in the design of business processes and systems.
Reference and master data management
Effective management of reference data (sets of consistent values) and master data (core shared data sets, e.g. for customers, employees) can:
- improve accuracy and efficiency in collection
- facilitate reliable operational information interchange and sharing for service provision
- enable advanced integration and analytics.
The intent of this component is to promote and support good practice in the management of reference and master data, as well as progress the case for identification and sharing of high value master data sets across government.
This supports the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction, the Human Resources Systems Statement of Direction, the Finance Systems Statement of Direction and Action 5 of the IT strategy: ‘Identify potential master data sets and design the cross-sharing of these data sets with a supporting business case.’
Data standards
Common data standards underpin the collection of consistent and comparable data and are fundamental to interoperability. Data standards provide the business rules for data creation and use and are essential for integration (analysis and operational information sharing) and aggregation; enabling accurate reporting, meaningful comparisons and benchmarking.
This component envisions the implementation of data standards in areas of high value and need. This may include adoption of common concepts, common validations, element definitions, classifications, business rules (e.g. date of birth cannot be in the future) and minimum datasets for specific functions and interactions.
This component will be largely influenced by industry standards and good practise guides that are already available across agencies.
Enabler: people, capability and culture
Information competency
Enhanced information literacy and greater individual responsibility reduces information risk and also solidifies the value and usefulness of information to government. The government needs to understand the competencies required to build information management capability and create an ‘information culture’.
This component will focus on identifying information management competencies and outlining the skills and behaviours required to build individual and organisational capability. Consideration will be given to the competencies required by executives, the Victorian Public Sector and practitioners.
This supports IT strategy Action 26: ‘Develop an upskilling plan for ICT capability within the government.’
Education, capability and capacity
Staff that are empowered to utilise information to make decisions and perform optimally in their roles are the foundation of a high performing agency. Increasing information literacy helps to build capability and a connection between the VPS and the information they create, manage and use.
This component will focus on increasing information capability through education and by providing opportunities to share knowledge. The aim will be to build individual capability and responsibility. Capability assessments will determine if the organisation has right the mix of skills and knowledge. Workforce planning will help build organisational capacity.
This supports IT strategy action 26: ‘Develop an upskilling plan for ICT capability within the government.’
Enabler: lifecycle management
Digital first
The IT strategy highlights the importance of developing citizen-centric digital services and transactions. To do this, it is critical that the government not only look at its citizen engagement models but also how it creates, manages and uses its information internally.
By reducing its reliance on hard copy (and other barriers to digitisation) and emphasising ‘digital first’ in the design and development of systems, processes and policies, the government will become more flexible and more digitally innovative.
This component focuses on developing a forward plan for digitisation and digitalisation (end-to-end digital business processes), with an emphasis on building digital continuity (see Digital Continuity 2020) and supporting key digital initiatives such as Service Victoria.
This supports IT strategy Action 11: ‘Development of Service Victoria, including a digital distribution channel for simple, high volume transactions.’
End of programme
Royal commissions, inquiries and major programmes and campaigns create or collect large quantities of information that could be repurposed for other uses.
This component delivers a consistent approach to the creation, collection, management, appraisal and archiving and use of programme information that allows for reuse or repurpose where applicable (or protection where required). It focuses on building the sharing and release of information (including de-identification) into the design and development of programmes.
Caretaker period and Machinery of Government
Caretaker periods require Cabinet records to be identified and returned to the custody of the Cabinet Office. Machinery of Government (MoG) changes result in government restructure and the transfer of information between agencies. Both are complex information management challenges involving extensive resourcing, time and cost. Both are hindered by the volume of information involved, the lack of consistency in information management and the dependency on hard copy records.
This component considers how to reduce the impact of caretaker periods and machinery of government changes. It investigates people, process and technology requirements and defines standard processes for exchange and transfer of information to successor agencies so as to ensure continuity of government operations.
This component will support the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction.
Managing information and data as a record
The Public Records Act 1973 (Vic) requires government entities to create, maintain and secure full and accurate records of their business activities.
This component focuses on the management of information as a record to satisfy legislative requirements. It emphasises ensuring records retain their authenticity, reliability, usability and integrity (for as long as required).
Supported by the services, standards and policies provided to the government by the Public Record Office of Victoria, this component will initially focus on ensuring that the requirements of the Act are a priority in the delivery of the framework.
This component will support the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction.
Business process and information architecture
Business process architecture and information architecture help an agency to understand the business processes that create, manage or make use of information, as well as the underlying information repositories, structures, rules and semantics that support them. They provide an awareness of information assets, reference and master data and what should or should not be shared, exchanged or released and (importantly) the key data relationships that drive these processes.
Adopting a standard architectural approach will enable government to reduce inefficiencies, improve data usefulness, and support a systematic approach to information sharing and integration within and between agencies.
This component encourages the practice of architecturally reviewing (current state) and designing (future state) critical business processes and information (at a minimum). The emphasis will be on open industry standards, including the harmonisation of requirements, principles and definitions which support integration and exchange.
Enabler: use, share and release
Information sharing and release
Sharing information with other agencies (including external partners) and releasing information to the public helps to increase the value of the government’s investment in information by creating an opportunity for reuse and repurpose.
Building on the work being done by government already, this component focuses on creating a shared vision, approach and whole-of-government governance model for the sharing and release of information. The emphasis is on:
- planning how, when and why information is shared and released
- building more sharing and release into information creation, and system and process design and development
- overcoming information-sharing barriers such as technology shortfalls, cultural issues and a lack of planning
- more effective sharing of information between agencies
- the management of the lifecycle of the information shared to maintain its integrity, provenance and security.
This is aligned with IT strategy Action 4: ‘Create a data agency that will better use and share data and information to improve policy making and service design’.
Licensing and agreements
Critical to information sharing and release is determining whether copyright subsists in the information (Copyright Act 1968 (Vic)), determining who owns copyright (copyrights) and ensuring intellectual property (IP) is used, shared and released in line with the whole of government IP policy (WoVG Intellectual Property Policy).
Sharing information under contract or memorandums of understanding, or releasing information with appropriate licensing (DataVic Access Policy and DataVic Access Policy Guidelines) helps to communicate rights to use the information and manage any restrictions that apply.
This component is about:
- Creating a common approach to agreements and memorandums of understanding for the sharing and/or exchange of information both internal and external to government.
- Considering IP implications where information is modified
- Consistent application of Creative Commons licenses.
Government information is only as valuable or useful as the ability to distribute it, find it or use it.
This component is about improving the discovery of government information and data through shared, searchable and accessible repositories. It is about the business rules, schemas, classification structures, models and search mechanisms which support discoverability. Overall, it represents the user experience and their ability to transact with(in) government easily and acquire the right information at the right time.
This component will support the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction.
Business analytics and reporting
Creating business insight through analytics and accurate and consistent reporting leads to improved decision making, better service delivery, greater benefits to the community and a more accountable and transparent public sector.
Business analytics and reporting are more than just a technology investment. They focus on the adoption of standard practices, building capability and capacity, active collaboration between agencies on whole-of-government projects and sharing knowledge, tools and techniques.
This component is concerned with improving the practice of business analytics and reporting (both within agencies and across government) by revisiting the Victorian Government Reporting and Analytics Framework. The aim will be to assess its ongoing relevance to government and its alignment with the data agency.
This component supports IT strategy Action 4: ‘create a data agency that will better use and share data and information to improve policy making and service design’.
Enabler: security and privacy
Information protection and privacy
The government is responsible for the protection of its information to ensure business continuity, statutory and regulatory compliance and to minimise risks to the individual (privacy) and to government.
This component highlights that information protection and privacy are overseen by the Office for Victorian Information Commissioner and the Health Complaints Commissioner.
For further information see Enabler: information governance, regulations and compliance.
This component will support the Workplace Environment Statement of Direction.
ICT network
An integrated, whole-of-government ICT network increases the security and reliability of departmental and shared services. It provides the technical backbone for common services such as: identity and access management, connectivity and secure data exchange.
The ICT Network and Cyber Security Statement of Direction articulates the requirements for the Victorian Government Network (VGN). The VGN will be progressively implemented conforming to appropriate security and information management standards.
Cyber security
Government is increasingly carrying out its business online. A fast escalating cyber threat environment requires a strategic approach to managing system security and mitigating risk.
Through the ICT Network and Cyber Security Statement of Direction, this component recognises the need for consistent and co-ordinated cyber security planning and services, including:
- the formulation of a cyber security strategy
- a cyber resilience framework
- delivery of a Security Operations Centre (SOC) service.
Enabler: technology
Open data services
Open data is a priority for the government. It supports research and education, promotes innovation, helps to improve productivity and stimulates growth in the Victorian economy.[6]
What about the release of unstructured information via various channels, including websites.
This component acknowledges DataVic as the primary gateway to government data. It also recognises the need:
- to move agencies from a manual to an automated process for data and metadata interchange
- for the release of unstructured information via other channels e.g. websites.
Data integration services
Data integration is the process of combining data from multiple sources and presenting a unified view, typically for real-time transactions, enabling ‘internet of things’ or reporting and analytics.
Making data integration easier and more streamlined through modern technologies, such as application programming interfaces (APIs), will help to facilitate the transfer of information between disparate, distributed and legacy systems.
This component focuses on the development of common data integration services such as a shared API Gateway, which will provide the necessary business rules, messaging standards and ICT infrastructure.
This component supports IT strategy Action 8: ‘Pilot an API Gateway to facilitate sharing between agencies and the community.’
Business systems
Business systems are the primary interface between the VPS and government’s information. These systems should support (rather than hinder) efficient, integrated service delivery and good practice throughout the information management lifecycle.
The focus of this component is to establish commonality of implementation and information management practice around systems that support the capture and management of government information.
This component initially explores the functionality, usability and data quality of electronic document and records management systems like TRIM, CenITex address books and the internal Victorian Government Directory (address book).
It supports several directional statements in the following Statements of Direction: Workplace Environment Statement of Direction, as well as the key objectives of the Human Resources Systems Statement of Direction and Finance Systems Statement of Direction.
Data storage
The volume of government data is exponentially growing, as is the need for data storage and data management. Considerations include:
- Short term/temporary storage that supports data processing, automation and real-time data usage.
- Long term data storage that improves utilisation, discovery, availability and security.
- Implementing data record disposal programmes in accordance with PROV.
This component will initially consider options for long-term storage of data that maximises data use (reuse, repurpose), as well as short term data storage to support data integration, sharing and exchange.
It supports the IT strategy Action 6: ‘Explore options for the long term storage of data, which should aid discovery, increase security and improve availability of government information.’
21/12/2016 Department of Premier and Cabinet