Our plan to help first home buyers
The government has changed legislation and introduced rules to make it easier for first home buyers to buy a property to live in.
How we will ensure housing supply meets demand
Plan Melbourne and a range of housing planning initiatives will make sure that housing supply in Victoria keeps up with demand.
Our plan to create more social and community housing
We are increasing social housing by around 6,000 homes, so more Victorians in need have access to stable homes.
Review of Social Housing Regulation
The Victorian Government is undertaking an independent review of regulation of public, community and affordable housing.
How we find homes for people in need
We have introduced programs and packages to prevent homelessness and work quickly to find homes for homeless Victorians.
How we are improving rooming houses
We're working hard to fix and regulate Victoria's rooming houses. Operators must apply for a licence and comply with standards. We're also renovating properties owned by the Director of Housing.
About Homes for Victorians strategy
Find out about the Victorian Government’s plan to improve housing choices for all Victorians.
Victorian Homebuyer Fund shared equity scheme