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Monitoring 'in progress' actions

Progress on the remaining implementation plan actions as at 30 June 2024.

Monitoring ‘in progress’ actions


In 2023/24, agencies completed 12 actions and formally acquitted each of these actions. As at 30 June 2024, agencies reported that:

  • 27 actions were completed
  • 7 actions were in progress – on track
  • 6 actions were in progress – minor delays
  • 1 action was in progress – significant delays.

A high-level summary of the status of all the implementation plan actions is at Appendix B.

The below table provides definitions for the agency-reported status of implementation plan actions.

Table 3: Government implementation status definitions


DJCS progress assessment definitions

In progress - on trackAction is on track to be completed by the ‘completion date’ as per the Year 2-5 Implementation Plan.
CompletedAction is finished and formally acquitted through completion and signing of the acquittal form.
In progress - minor delaysAction is experiencing minor delays that may impact delivery by the ‘completion date’ as per the Year 2-5 Implementation Plan.
In progress - significant delaysAction is experiencing significant delays and it is highly unlikely that the ‘completion date’ as per the Year 2-5 Implementation Plan will be met.

Note: The action completion date is the due date for a given action, as per the Year 2-5 Implementation Plan.

FSIM uses the below status descriptions when making an assessment of agencies’ progress to deliver an action.

Table 4: FSIM’s progress assessment definitions



ProgressingFSIM considers the action is in progress. FSIM will continue to monitor and report on its status.
ImplementedFSIM considers the action has been completed in accordance with the Year 2-5 Implementation Plan action scope. FSIM may undertake effectiveness assessments of actions that are implemented.
Partially implementedFSIM considers the action has either not been delivered in accordance with the Year 2-5 Implementation Plan action deliverables or that there are outstanding matters to resolve before FSIM considers the action complete. FSIM may undertake effectiveness assessments of actions that are partially implemented.
ClosedFSIM has evaluated the effectiveness of the implemented action against its intended objectives.

