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ACFO Assistant Chief Fire Officer
BA Breathing apparatus
CAoV Country Area of Victoria
CEO CFA Chief Executive Officer
CFA Country Fire Authority
CFAI Centre for Public Service Excellence Commission on Fire Accreditation International
CO CFA Chief Officer
Co-located stations For the purposes of this report, co-located stations refer to those stations which were formerly CFA career and integrated stations
COVID-19 Coronavirus
CSBA Community Safety Building Authority

Decontamination, Exit, Breathing Apparatus Service Rehab and Staging

Division A5 Former MFB staff managed under Part A of the Fire Rescue Victoria Operational Employees Interim Enterprise Agreement 2020
Division B5 Former CFA staff covered under Part B of the Fire Rescue Victoria Operational Employees Interim Enterprise Agreement 2020
DJCS Department of Justice and Community Safety
EBA Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
EMV Emergency Management Victoria
Fire Services Statement 2017 Fires Services Statement
FSPL Act Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012
FRB Firefighters Registration Board
FRV Commissioner Fire Rescue Commissioner
FRV Fire Rescue Victoria
FRV Act Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958
FRV ELT Fire Rescue Victoria Executive Leadership Team
FRV Operational Employees EBA

Fire Rescue Victoria Operational Employees Interim Enterprise Agreement 2020

FSIM Fire Services Implementation Monitor

FSIM’s FY 2020–21 Annual Report

Fire Services Implementation Monitor Annual Report 2020-21: Setting the foundations
FSOC Fire Services Operational Committee
FTE Full-time equivalent
FY Financial year
GARS Greater Alarm Response System
HAZMAT Hazardous materials
HoA Heads of Agency Steering Committee
HR Human Resources
ICT Information communications technology
IT Information technology
IPs Interoperability procedures
JSOPs Joint Standard Operating Procedures
MFB Metropolitan Fire Brigade
Minister Minister for Emergency Services
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
OH&S Occupational health and safety
OIC Officer in Charge
PAD Practice Areas for Drills
PPC Personal protective clothing
PTA Professional, technical and administrative
SLDA Service Level Deeds of Agreement
Step-up The term “step-up” refers to occurrences when FRV staff are called to an incident in regional Victoria and replacement support then comes from another FRV station or district. The term step-up is used interchangeably with move-up.
Tenancy Agreement The Lease and Licensing Agreement for the 34 co-located stations6
UFU United Firefighters Union of Australia – Victoria Branch
Vacancy and relief

The Secondment Agreement relates to various categories of staff seconded to CFA. For the purposes of this report, the terms ‘vacancy’ and ‘relief’ relate specifically to only Commander and ACFO positions seconded to CFA from FRV as defined under the Secondment Agreement.

‘Vacancy’ refers to the situation where a substantive Commander or ACFO position (as defined under the Secondment Agreement) does not have an FRV seconded staff member formally appointed to that role.

‘Relief’ refers to the situation where a Commander or ACFO seconded to CFA is absent from their substantive position (for example, on extended leave) and FRV is required to provide a suitably qualified employee to backfill the position.

VFBV Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria
VSP Volunteer Support Program
Year One Plan Minister for Emergency Services' Year One Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan (2020 to 2021)
Year Two to Five Implementation Plan Minister for Emergency Services' Year Two to Five Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan, November 2021


[5] FSIM uses the terminology Division A and Division B throughout this report in place of other terminology (such as “former MFB” and “former CFA” operational staff). Division A and Division B terms were commonly used throughout FSIM engagement, reflect the current terminology used by career firefighters, and are consistent with the terms used in the current FRV Operational Employees EBA.

[6] There are 33 CFA brigades at sites that are now operated by FRV and one co-located site (Lara) where CFA retains the asset and FRV is the tenant.
