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ACFO Assistant Chief Fire Officer
AFAC Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council
APS Alternative Power Systems
BAIC Building Codes, Audits, Inspections and Compliance Services
BCPA Baseline Capability Profiling Application
BOSP Brigade Operational Skills Profiles
CAoV The Country Area of Victoria
CBP Connected Brigade Project
CEO CFA Chief Executive Officer
CFA Country Fire Authority
CO CFA Chief Officer
Co-located stations For the purposes of this report, co-located stations refer to those stations which were formerly CFA career and integrated stations
COVID-19 Coronavirus
CMS Content Management System internet and intranet refresh
CRM Customer Relationship Management System
DCO Deputy Chief Officer
District ACFO District Assistant Chief Fire Officer
DJCS Department of Justice and Community Safety. DJCS is nominated as the lead agency for actions within the Year One Plan
EA Enterprise Agreement
EMC Emergency Management Commissioner
EMV Emergency Management Victoria, a statutory entity of the DJCS. EMV is the representative for DJCS regarding the Year One Plan actions
ESTA Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority
FDRP Fire District Review Panel
FRB Firefighters Registration Board
FR Commissioner Fire Rescue Commissioner
FRV Fire Rescue Victoria
FRV District FRV response area
FSIM Fire Services Implementation Monitor
FSOC Fire Services Operational Committee
FSR Steering Committee Fire Services Reform Steering Committee
FSR Taskforce Fire Services Reform Taskforce
FWC Fair Work Commission
FY Financial year
GARS Greater Alarm Response System
HAZMAT Hazardous materials
IGEM Inspector-General for Emergency Management
IPs Interoperability procedures
ICT Information communications technology
IT Information technology
JoA Joint Operational Activities
LVFR Low voltage fuse removal
MFB Metropolitan Fire Brigade
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
OH&S Occupational health and safety
OOSA Overarching Operational Services Agreement
PAD Practice Areas for Drills
PPC Personal protective clothing
PTA Professional, technical and administrative
SLDA Service Level Deeds of Agreement
SWH Safe working at heights
Tenancy Agreement The Lease and Licensing Agreement for the 33 co-located stations
The CFA Act The Country Fire Authority Act 1958
The FRV Act The Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958
The Implementation Plan Fire Services Implementation Plan(s) under the FRV Act
The Minister The Minister for Emergency Services
The P350 program The 350 Firefighter Program
The Statement The 2017 Fire Services Statement
UFU Victoria United Firefighters Union of Australia – Victoria Branch
VFBV Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria
VSP Volunteer Support Program
WRP Wildfire respiratory protection
Year One Plan Year One Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan (2020 to 2021)
Year Two to Five Plan Year Two to Five Implementation Plan
