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Working together

Family Safety Victoria (FSV) worked together with members of the Victim Survivors Advisory Council (VSAC) in the design and development of this strategy.

This process was rich and complex, and led to a depth of discussion and insight that has been critical to the strategy’s direction and content. VSAC members’ experience and expertise have been invaluable in shaping the strategy, formulating key commitments and developing priorities for this joint work. Members helped FSV to clarify that the strategy is a way to be intentional about how to work together in the future, as well as supporting FSV to be courageous with the joint visions and aspirations.

A key component of the partnership between FSV and VSAC members was adopting the strengths-based perspective that VSAC identified at their 2021 planning day of ‘With us – Not for us,’ and translating this into FSV’s practice. VSAC members continue to challenge and strengthen government’s thinking to become more focused on achieving outcomes for people who seek support from the family violence service system. In particular, VSAC developed key components of the strategy including the vision, principles and workforce guidance.

FSV extends its gratitude to each member of the Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council who has contributed to ensuring this strategy aligns with the needs of people with a lived experience of family and sexual violence.
