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About the response

The WP Survey targeted specialists working for the following types of employers:

  • Specialist family violence (victim survivor) services (SFVS) organisations
  • Sexual assault support services (SASS) organisations
  • Family violence perpetrator intervention (FVPI) organisations[9]
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO)
  • The Orange Door Network (TODN), including child wellbeing specialists.[10]

The final survey sample was 1,049 responses, representing a response rate of approximately 35% of the target population.

Response by organisation type

The largest number and proportion of those who responded to the survey were from SFVS organisations, with 41% (426 persons) stating they worked for a SFVS organisation providing victim survivor services (Table 1).

In comparison, 28% of those who responded (289 persons) were employed by TOD Network, 15% (162 persons) were employed by a SASS organisation, 10% (110 persons) were employed by a FVPI provider and 6% (62 persons) were employed by an ACCO.

Table 1: Where do you work?
Count Percentage
TODN 289 28%
SFVS 426 41%
SASS 162 15%
FVPI 110 10%
ACCO 62 6%
Grand total 1,049

Source. Question 1, WP Survey 2022

The survey’s eligibility rules included child wellbeing specialists working in TOD network. From those working in TOD network:

  • 18 respondents identified their role as dedicated to supporting families needing support with the care and wellbeing of children and young people,
  • 88 respondents identified their role as dedicated to working with victim survivors and/or people using family violence, and
  • 183 respondents stated they supported both (Table 2).
Table 2: What client groups do you primarily provide services to directly or indirectly (as part of TOD network workforce)?
Count Percentage
Victim survivors and/or people using family violence 88 30%
Families needing support with the care and wellbeing of children and young people 18 6%
Both of the above 183 63%
Grand total 289
Missing/skipped question 0

Source. Question 1A, WP Survey 2022

Response by geographic location

61% of those who responded (638 persons) stated they work in metropolitan Melbourne, with the remainder (400 persons) working in regional Victoria (Table 3).

Focusing on those who responded from regional Victoria:

  • 10% (104 persons) worked in the Loddon Mallee region,
  • 9% (95 persons) worked in the Gippsland region,
  • 7% (73 persons) worked in the Hume region,
  • 7% (71 persons) worked in the Barwon South-West Region and
  • 5% (57 persons) worked in the Grampians region.[11]
Table 3: In your main role, what region and Local Government Area do you work in?
Count Percentage
Metropolitan Melbourne 638 61%
Loddon Mallee region 104 10%
Gippsland region 95 9%
Hume region 73 7%
Barwon South-West region 71 7%
Grampians region 57 5%
Don’t know/unsure 7 <1%
Grand total 1045
Missing/skipped question 4

Source. Question 3, WP Survey 2022

A much larger proportion of people working in metropolitan Melbourne worked in large organisations (organisations with more than 100 staff). 52% of people who delivered services into metropolitan areas worked for large organisations, compared to 36% of people delivering services into regional Victoria.

Response by type of service provision

Fifty-five percent of those who responded (573 persons) stated their role provides services across multiple locations, with only 29% (300 persons) stating that their role provides services only in the location they work (Table 4). 8% (84 persons) stated their role provides state-wide services, with 3% (35 persons) stating their role provides Melbourne-wide services, 3% (27 persons) stating their role provides regional Victoria wide services and 2% (22 persons) stating their role provides national services.

Table 4: In your main role, which location/s do you provide services to?
Count Percentage
My role provides services across multiple locations 573 55%
My role provides services in the location I work in (i.e. the location of the office where I work) 300 29%
My role provides state-wide services 84 8%
My role provides metropolitan Melbourne-wide services 35 3%
My role provides regional Victoria-wide services 27 3%
My role provides national services 22 2%
Don’t know/unsure (Please list postcode(s)) 6 <1%
Grand total 1,047
Missing/skipped question 2

Source. Question 4, WP Survey 2022

People working for organisations delivering services in the regions were more likely to provide services across multiple locations. 59% of people in regional Victoria stated their role provides services across multiple locations compared to 53% in metropolitan Melbourne. People who were securely employed were also more likely to deliver services for organisations across multiple locations. 56% of those employed on an ongoing basis delivered services for organisations across multiple locations, compared to 47% of those employed on an insecure basis.

Response by organisation size

48% of those who responded (501 persons) stated they worked in an organisation where 200 or more individuals were employed, followed by 19% (202 persons) who stated they worked in an organisation with 20-49 individuals, and 13% (133 persons) who stated they worked in an organisation with 100-199 individuals (Table 5).

Table 5: How many individuals are employed in the organisation you work for (for this role)?
Count Percentage
1 to 4 13 1%
5 to 19 96 9%
20 to 49 202 19%
50 to 99 96 9%
100 to 199 133 13%
200 or more 501 48%
I am self-employed <5 <1%
Other <5 <1%
Don’t know/unsure 6 <1%
Grand total 1,049
Missing/skipped question 0

Source. Question 2, WP Survey 2022


[9] Family violence perpetrator intervention organisation combines workers within specialist family violence services organisations (services for adults using violence) and Men's Behaviour Change Program providers.

[10] For a detailed definition of the specialist target population, please refer to the Appendix.

[11] The distribution across regional and metropolitan Victoria provides some assurance that the survey sample contains a diversity of workforce views on the basis of the geographical location of the delivery of services. See the Appendix for further detail.
