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Preparing your Expression of Interest and project plans

Your project aims, intended outcomes, outputs and performance measures, project length, funding and reporting requirements.

Preparing your Expression of Interest and project plans

1. YOUR PROJECT AIMS Write a short clear statement defining the aims of your project. 2. PROJECT OUTCOMES Define your objective, purpose and expected outcomes of your project. 3. PROJECT OUTCOMES What resources will you develop through your project? 4. PROJECT PERFORMANCE OUTCOME MEASURES What evidence will you use to measure the success of your project?

The ACFE Board is committed to funding projects that lead to tangible outcomes for learners. Communicating what has been achieved through FLP projects is of vital importance so that innovation and good practice can be shared across the Learn Local sector.

For the ACFE Board to know whether a funded project is on track or has been successful, providers must clearly identify in their Expressions of Interest the aims of the project, as well as intended outcomes and outputs and how they will be measured.

Your project aims

All proposed projects should include a short clear statement defining the aims of the project and how your project will align with the FLP program aims.

Project outcome

Successful FLP projects should contribute to the ACFE Board’s 2020-2025 strategic priorities and should consider the following in developing project outcomes and outputs:

  • Ensure that family learning programs have a positive educational impact on the entire family including children and adults.
  • Building quality partnerships through active participation in the CoP model to ensure opportunities for participating Learn Locals to seek support from one another, collaborate and promote innovation in family learning.
  • Aim to improve family learning by facilitating collaboration to enable efficient management, maximising resource utilisation and sharing of innovative ideas.

All proposed FLP projects should:

  • Clearly define the objective, purpose and expected outcomes of the project.
  • Demonstrate increased understanding of the ‘value add' offered by Learn Locals in supporting vulnerable learners to pathway to further education, training, or employment.
  • Establish a collaborative partnership.
  • Develop and implement a model of engagement that leads to improved pathways for learners.
  • Clearly define how you will measure progress in achieving your project objectives and desired outcomes.
  • Clearly define benefits of the project and their potential to be sustained beyond the end of the project.

Project outputs

What resources will you be developing through this project? For example: program and pathway documents, seminars or forums, best practice guidelines, project learnings and insights, case studies and anecdotes, assessment tools, resources that can be shared with the sector to support learning delivery.

Project performance outcome measures

Outcome measures refer to the evidence you will use to demonstrate that you have achieved (or are making progress in achieving) your identified project outcomes.

Success of the project will be assessed by:

  • An increase in attendance, an increase in learner completion and transition to further education and training.
  • Formalised partnerships and pathways between Learn Locals and other organisations within the community to support learners to transition to further education and or training.

Baseline data should be collected at the start of the project to track the key outcomes listed above. This information will ensure it is possible to assess participant engagement retention and progress.

How long can a project run?

In determining the timeframe of your project, you need to to take into account the following contract requirements:

  • New project proposals must not exceed a two-year duration. All project proposals should include a sustainability framework beyond the end of this funding cycle.
  • You will be required to complete a project plan as part of the project which will assist you in estimating the length of time it will take to achieve your project objectives.

What funding is available?

  • New FLP projects will be funded to a maximum of $35,000 per annum (ex GST) for two years.
  • The funding is designed to cover the costs of project delivery and establishing partnerships. Many sites have also sought funds from partners and other organisations to assist with their continued sustainability.
    • Provide an indicative budget for all projects with a final acquittal of funds to be provided with the final report at the end of the project cycle.
    • The project must demonstrate broad application across the sector or make a substantial contribution to supporting vulnerable families.
  • Providers can use 10% of the FLP funds provided, to support family learning and educational attainment of parents, by subsidising the cost of childcare services under the following circumstances:
    • To assist learners to access childcare during class time to enable their participation in Government-subsidised training and proposed programs or related education programs.
    • For childcare or playgroup amenities that align with government-subsidised training.
    • To subsidise or purchase registered or approved childcare services, and not to employ additional staff such as babysitters or to buy additional equipment.

What will not be funded?

FLP funding is not available for:

  • Equipment or materials not directly linked to the achievement of project outcomes, or which exceed 10% of the ACFE Board grant.  Expressions of interest that request funds for the purchase of equipment and materials must demonstrate that the purchases are directly linked to the strategic objectives of proposed projects, with a rationale for the use of the equipment clearly outlined in the Expression of Interest.
  • Business-as-usual operations e.g., salaries, rent, consumables, training delivery. If your project has a training component, you must clearly indicate where that funding will be sourced from and not include training salaries in the budget.
  • Projects where the focus is professional development, capital works or ongoing accommodation.
  • Enrolment in ACFE Board funded pre-accredited modules. This is funded through Training Delivery hours.

What are the funding conditions?

Only projects that are ready to start upon acceptance of the service agreement variation in SAMS2 by both parties, will be considered. Recipients must agree to the following conditions:

  • Only use project funds to implement the project named on your FLP project proposal and contracted in SAMS2.
  • Deliver the identified project outcomes within agreed timelines.
  • Advise the Department immediately if any changes are required to the project including timeframe and changes to the agreed milestones.
  • Comply with all data collection and reporting requirements including documenting project outcomes and best practice models for sharing across the Learn Local sector.
  • Agree to contribute to the development of case studies and/or promotional material on project achievements.
  • Agree to participate in discussions and forums with Learn Local Providers leading ACFE Board-funded projects as required.
  • Agree to share any products developed with FLP funding, with other Learn Local Providers and the Department on request.

Reporting requirements

The following are the main reporting requirements for all successful projects: note milestone payments will only be released once key milestones have been satisfactorily met.

  • Implementation Plan inclusive of a detailed project plan, proposed itemised expenditure and risk management plan.
  • Progress Reports Participating providers will be asked to provide regular progress reports on project delivery. This will allow for tracking of project outputs and management of issues during the project life cycle.
  • Final Reports including any outputs and acquittals of project funds including resources developed during the life of the project. Once the Final Report is approved the final payment will be made at the next available payment cycle. As part of the Final Report providers are required to submit a Project Summary Report: a one-page summary of their project’s outcomes and outputs for the ACFE Board. All project summaries may be published on the Vic Gov website for the purpose of sharing projects across the sector.
