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About Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV)

Supporting stronger communities after emergencies

Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV) is a permanent and dedicated recovery agency focused on building stronger and more resilient individuals, communities, and regions through community recovery.

ERV leads state and regional recovery coordination and state relief coordination on behalf of the Victorian Government and works in partnership with all levels of government, businesses and not-for-profit organisations to ensure recovery enables people, places and the environment to be stronger and more resilient after emergencies.

ERV strives to ensure that all disaster impacted individuals, groups and communities are ready for and have access to and receive the recovery support they need throughout their recovery journey.

Communities are at the centre of everything we do, and we strive to simplify recovery for communities and partners by creating an enabling environment for resilient recovery, before and after emergencies. We promote place-based leadership and seek to hold ourselves and partners to account on community recovery outcomes through transparent assurance, monitoring and evaluation.

ERV’s responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

  • operational relief and recovery coordination
  • leading and coordinating recovery strategy, policy, planning and investment across the emergency management sector
  • assurance that community recovery needs are managed, and
  • delivery of recovery services as required (including state-coordinated clean-up operations).

ERV was established in October 2022, a decision arising from the Victorian Government response to the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season – Phase 2 report. ERV builds on the work, expertise and experience of Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV), which was established on 6 January 2020 to coordinate recovery from the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian Fires.

Our vision

Supporting stronger communities after emergencies

People, places and the environment are stronger and more resilient after emergencies.

Our mission

Expert coordination

We lead and enable integrated coordination of recovery activities across the sector, and we deliver statecoordinated recovery services where no other department has accountability or where there is a gap.

Standard setting and assurance

We set evidence-based standards for strategy, policy, investment and decision making as communities prepare for and recover from emergencies and provide assurance to government that community recovery needs are managed.

Advocacy and advisory

We advise on community need and advocate for improved capability and capacity in the recovery system using expert insights and evaluation.
