New training and resources are available to help early childhood services continue to implement information sharing and the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) framework.
The information sharing schemes and the MARAM framework enable early childhood services to share information to promote the wellbeing and safety of children and identify and respond to family violence.
Early childhood services must respond to information sharing requests and use MARAM tools and processes to identify and respond to family violence.
MARAM training
To help meet your service’s legislated MARAM responsibilities, service leaders should identify 2 to 3 MARAM nominated staff who will be responsible for family violence screening, safety planning and making referrals and reports.
Please support MARAM nominated staff to attend new training to understand and complete your service’s MARAM responsibilities.
Training details
Date: training sessions are available from October 2024 to June 2026
Time: 4 hours
Platform: face-to-face and online options are available
Cost: free.
Training hours count towards professional learning for Victorian Institute of Teaching registration.
Casual relief teacher reimbursement is available, with instructions to claim reimbursement available upon training registration.
For more information and to register, refer to Non-accredited MARAM training.
New guidance and tools
To help services embed information sharing and MARAM, we have also updated the Information Sharing and Family Violence Reforms: Guidance and Tools.
These resources respond to feedback from stakeholders to simplify guidance and support services to share information confidently, safely and appropriately, improving children’s wellbeing and safety.
The resources will also support services to identify and respond to family violence in a safe and consistent way. Resources include:
- new chapters to help service leaders, all staff, and nominated staff meet their service’s legislated MARAM responsibilities
- new downloadable templates and tools that help all staff identify family violence, and nominated service staff to screen for family violence and make basic safety plans
- revised chapters and tools on implementing the information sharing schemes.
The tools support the work early childhood staff already do to respond to family violence.
Find out more
For more information, refer to Information sharing training.
For further enquiries, contact the department’s Victorian Child Information Sharing division by email: cisandfvis@education.vic.gov.au