The department is inviting early childhood teachers at the beginning of their careers to access a wide range of professional learning programs and resources available to help them build their careers in the sector.
To help you – or someone you know – access these learning opportunities, we’ve provided a quick rundown below.
Beginning Teacher Conferences
The Beginning Teacher Conferences, held at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, offer a valuable opportunity for networking and professional development.
With the highly regarded program almost finished for 2023, there is still time to add your name to the waitlist for the final conference for the year, happening on Wednesday 25 October 2023. The department is also encouraging all interested teachers to access the conference presentations and webinars available online.
These conferences continue to receive very positive feedback from participants, who say the program has helped them to increase their professional confidence and sense of belonging.
Based on feedback from 2022 participants, the conferences now include deep-dive discussions on topics and presentations, with participants enjoying the chance to unpack problems of practice with their peers.
To access the online resources or join the waitlist for the next conference, refer to the Beginning Teachers Conference Series(opens in a new window).
End-to-End Career Supports Program
The End-to-End Career Supports Program is a great option for early career teachers and educators interested in receiving individualised one-on-one coaching or joining a Community of Practice (CoP) to explore problems of practice and meet other early childhood professionals.
This program enables teachers and educators in the first 5 years of their career to access an online learning portal, along with the wraparound supports outlined below.
Participants will receive up to 9.5 hours of tailored coaching from experienced early childhood coaches.
The independent coaches are seasoned professionals with over 5 years of experience in the teaching profession, and a wealth of practical knowledge and actionable strategies to support you in your professional journey.
Communities of Practice (CoP)
Held over 18 months, the CoP is for teachers in the second to fifth year of their careers. A CoP is a collective of professionals who come together due to a shared concern, common problems, or interest in a particular subject.
Up to 10 early childhood professionals will meet virtually with a facilitator over 4 separate 2-hour sessions. Sessions are staggered across the year depending on demand.
The CoP will support the development of high-quality practice aligned to the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF).
Alumni Conference
Once a teacher or educator has completed either a coaching program or participated in a CoP, they become eligible to attend the E2E Alumni Conference. The conference is held once a year and focuses on advanced theory and practice – it’s also a celebration of their first years as an early childhood professional.
Visit Supports for early career early childhood teachers(opens in a new window) for further information, including the list of available topics, and to apply.
Additional supports
Mentoring for early childhood teachers
Provisionally registered teachers can visit How to find an early childhood education mentor to access a mentor who can support them through the process to move to full teacher registration.
Funding for services to support provisionally registered ECTs
Services can visit the department’s website to access funding to support provisionally registered early childhood teachers to move to full registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.
Find out more
For more information, contact the department by email: early.years.workforce@education.vic.gov.au