Dear early childhood education and care services
The days have turned shorter and chillier, and this is also the time of year when many services will be in the thick of taking enrolments, with local families busily getting their plans in place for 2025. If you haven’t already, it’s a good moment to take a look at the communications resources you can use to help communities better understand the ways kindergarten supports children, and to showcase what programs will look like in your service next year.
In looking ahead to your enrolments for 2025, this can also give services a valuable chance to plan for the introduction of Pre-Prep, and this month’s edition of Early Childhood Update includes some tips for how to use this 2025 enrolment data to plan for 2026 delivery.
On Tuesday 7 May 2024, the Victorian Government will hand down its State Budget. As part of this, the Minister for Children will announce the budget allocations for 2024–25. As usual, please look out for communications from the department for details about budget outcomes for our sector.
These reforms have seen our workforce grow, adapt and continue to strive for quality and excellence, with an impressive focus on what matters most. Across the board we’re seeing strong uptake of our professional learning, mentoring and coaching programs. This is evidence of the sector’s deep commitment to practice quality during this time of reform.
In this month’s edition, you’ll see some great skill-development opportunities, especially for beginning teachers and educators, to help advance your career and deepen your practice. Teachers, educators and service leaders have been providing valuable feedback on how we can further develop our professional practice supports through our proposed approach to Teaching Excellence. Thanks to all who have contributed feedback so far through your network meetings. If you have any questions, please reach out to your regional network Kindergarten Improvement Adviser.
Finally, we’re announcing the opening of nominations for this year’s Victorian Early Years Awards. Anyone in the sector can nominate for these awards, and you can put a colleague, your service or yourself forward. With winners of these awards receiving substantial grants, this is one of those situations where tooting your own horn is not only appropriate but very much encouraged!
There’s never been a better time to recognise and celebrate the great work happening every day in the early childhood sector so when you’re reflecting on the positive impact you’re seeing, we want to hear about it, too.
Yours sincerely
Bronwen FitzGerald
Deputy Secretary
Early Childhood Education