If you need support from an interpreter to engage with people in your community from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, Language Loop can help.
Language Loop provides free interpreting services to funded early childhood education services, including telephone, video and onsite interpreters. All interpreters are qualified and accredited.
These services support our equity and diversity goals outlines in the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, in particular our focus on recognising multilingualism as an asset and supporting children to maintain their first language, learn English as an additional language, and learn languages other than English.
How to access Language Loop
Early childhood education services can book an interpreter through the Language Loop portal or by contacting Language Loop by phone: 9280 1955.
Please be ready to provide information, including:
- the specific language(s) and dialect (if relevant) required
- the time and duration you will need an interpreter for
- the purpose of the activity
- location
- contact person.
After you submit a request for an interpreter, Language Loop will connect you with the appropriate interpreter for your requirements.
The department’s Use an interpreter in early childhood education services web page has further information on how to engage Language Loop and work with interpreters.
You can also refer to the website for resources developed by Foundation House, to support work with interpreters and families from CALD and refugee backgrounds.
Find out more
For further information, refer to Use an interpreter in early childhood education services.