The department has received resoundingly positive feedback from the Kindergarten Parent Opinion Survey 2022, with great results coming in from across the state.
Through the survey, Victorian parents have given their feedback on the quality of the kindergarten program, relationships between teachers and their child, and experiences with their child’s kindergarten.
The results are a testament to the wonderful work of our kindergarten services and educators.
Survey responses give services, councils and the department valuable input from parents to support our work to provide quality kindergarten programs across Victoria.
A brief rundown of the survey results is available below, with more information available on the department webpage.
Overview of results for 2022
In 2022, 17,810 parents of children enrolled in a funded kindergarten program responded to the Kindergarten Parent Opinion Survey.
Responses from parents at a state-wide level show that:
- 90% of parents thought the overall quality of education offered was good
- more than 94% of parents think attending kindergarten is important for their child’s education
- 94% of parents said that the service is welcoming and inclusive of all children.
Quality in early childhood education
The survey is an annual initiative overseen by the department to monitor kindergarten education quality and increase kindergarten program quality.
The National Quality Standard sets a high national benchmark for early childhood education and care in Australia.
The standard sets out 7 important quality areas, which outline the importance of seeking parents’ views and building partnerships to support quality improvements.
Find out more
For more information, refer to a summary of the results.