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Best Start, Best Life consultation report released

Find out what our extensive consultation process has told us about the key themes of the $14 billion reforms.

A kinder student smiles at the camera. He is outside and wearing an orange bucket hat and a cream t-shirt.

In a major milestone for our Best Start, Best Life reforms, the Victorian Government has released a report on our Best Start, Best Life reform consultations.

When the government announced the Best Start, Best Life reforms and kindergarten expansion, we committed to consulting widely with the sector.

The department has conducted more than 100 consultation sessions across the state, capturing feedback from more than 5,000 Victorian early childhood teachers and educators, service providers, peak bodies, unions, tertiary education providers and families.

Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback with us through the consultation sessions, as well as in focus groups, forums and the public Engage Victoria survey.

We encourage services to share the report with their staff and networks.

Consultation findings

The Best Start, Best Life reforms consultation process has helped inform and shape government decision-making about the reforms.

We heard that the success of our Best Start, Best Life reforms depends on delivering these main elements:

  • meeting the needs of children, families and communities
  • valuing and growing the workforce
  • making spaces for learning
  • supporting the sector through change.

Next steps

The consultation report outlines the actions we are taking to respond to your feedback across each of the elements and themes identified.

We will continue to engage with partners and stakeholders as the reforms are rolled out, and we encourage everyone to keep sharing their feedback with us throughout this process.

Find out more

For more information, refer to Best Start, Best Life Transforming Early Childhood Education Together: what we heard, what we're doing.
