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Helping our learners eat well

Free Victorian Government initiatives to support early childhood education and outside school hours care services to offer healthier food and drink options.

A close-up of a benchtop with a container of chopped up vegies and berries, surrounded by apples, bananas, wholegrain sandwiches, and someone's hands chopping up carrot sticks in the background.

Victorian Government initiatives are helping outside school hours care (OSHC) and early childhood education providers to offer healthier food and drink options.

Vic Kids Eat Well

OSHC services and other community organisations are encouraged to register with Vic Kids Eat Well to take simple and achievable steps to refresh their food and drink options to give children the nourishment they need to learn, play and be active.

Through Vic Kids Eat Well, OSHC services can receive one-on-one support from an expert health promotion professional to make simple, healthy swaps that have a big impact on kids’ health.

Vic Kids Eat Well is delivered by Cancer Council Victoria’s Achievement Program in partnership with Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Advisory Service.

The Healthy Early Childhood Services Achievement program

While Vic Kids Eat Well is not applicable to children under school age, early childhood services can gain health and wellbeing support through the Healthy Early Childhood Services Achievement program.

The Healthy Early Childhood Services Achievement program helps services create a healthier environment for their children, staff and families by offering free resources and support. Through the program, services can focus on one or more of the following key health areas:

  • healthy eating and oral health
  • physical activity and movement
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • sun protection
  • safe environments
  • tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.

The Cancer Council Victoria delivers the program, which brings current health and wellbeing initiatives together to support a whole-of-service approach.

Healthy Eating Advisory Service

The Healthy Eating Advisory Service supports Victorian long day care, OSHC, family day care and kindergarten services to provide and promote healthier foods and drinks with a free information line, resources, recipes, online training and menu assessments with FoodChecker.

Find out more

For more information, including resources, tools and advice, refer to:
