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DTP - Property management

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is responsible for over 3,500 properties statewide which have been acquired and held for future transport projects. This land may appear on title in the name of Roads Corporation or Head, Transport for Victoria. DTP Land Holdings Group is responsible for the effective leasing, sales and maintenance of DTP’s properties across the state.

Property leasing

Properties that are not immediately required for transport purposes and have the potential to be leased or licensed are offered to the public on a commercial basis, with market rent applicable. This process is managed by BGIS who act on behalf of DTP. BGIS can be contacted on 1800 960 722 or

Property sales

When properties are no longer required by DTP and deemed surplus to Transport requirements, they are offered for sale to other government agencies at market value or sold to the public via a public process (auction, expression of interest etc).

For all queries relating to DTP sales, please contact the DTP Land Sales Team on noting the property address in the subject line and marking the email Attn: Sales Team.

Property maintenance

All DTP properties including commercial, residential and vacant land held in title are managed and maintained by BGIS on DTPs’ behalf. BGIS can be contacted on 1800 960 722 or

General Leasing/Licensing information

For all leasing and licensing queries, please contact BGIS on 1800 960 722 or They will provide further details of the property, lease/licence process and DTPs’ standard terms and conditions.

Road Reserve Leasing/Licensing information

Roads include any public highway, ancillary area and land declared to be road or forming part of a public highway or ancillary area. Road reserve means all of the area of land that is within the boundaries of a Road. DTP has the ability to lease and licence arterial roads and freeways.
For all road reserve leasing and licensing queries, please contact BGIS on 1800 960 722 or

Ownership queries

For all ownership queries, please contact BGIS on 1800 960 722 or Please provide property identification details such as address, Title information and/or a description of the location to enable the property to be identified.

Grass slashing/queries Hide

If you have a query regarding the maintenance/grass slashing of DTPs’ land held in title, please contact BGIS on 1800 960 722 or with property identification details such as the address, title information and/or a description of the location to enable the property to be identified.

Fencing enquiries

DTP manages two forms of land that may share a fence line with private property owners:

  1. A road reserve, which is adjacent to arterial roads or freeways and has the same status as the adjoining road; and
  2. “Land in title”, which is land that has been acquired or purchased by VicRoads for future road or transport projects.

Fencing Obligations – Roads and Road Reserve

Under Schedule 5, Section 4 of the Road Management Act 2004(opens in a new window), DTPs is not responsible for all roads, only freeways and arterial roads. These can be identified by viewing VicRoads maps of declared roads.

If the fence is adjacent to an arterial road or freeway, the land will be classed as road reserve and will have the same status as the road, therefore the adjacent land owner is responsible for the whole cost of the fence.

If the road is not a freeway or an arterial road, contact your local council to establish the status of the road and fencing responsibilities.

Fencing Obligations - Land in Title (Not Road)

If the land is owned by Head, Transport for Victoria or the former Roads Corporation as “land in title”, then DTP is responsible for sharing half of the cost of the fence, subject to the following requirements, as set out in the Fences Act 1968.

The adjacent land owner is to obtain two quotes for a 1.6M – 1.8M paling wood fence (treated pine). The quotes should be forwarded to BGIS who will obtain a third probity quote and arrange for review/approval of the fencing works. Any additional requirements (colour bond, higher height fence etc) will need to be noted separately on the quote and the adjacent land owner will be responsible for these costs. Please note that gates providing access to DTP land are not permitted under any circumstances. An agreement on the quote and contractor to be used will then be reached between the adjoining land owner and BGIS on DTP’s behalf.

Once the fence quote has been agreed and the works completed, an invoice for 50% of the total cost should be forwarded to BGIS for review and payment.

If a property owner’s land is adjacent to Head, Transport for Victoria (former Roads Corporation) “land in title”, contact BGIS on 1800 960 722 or

Further information on requirements of the Fences Act 2014 can be found on the Department of Justice Website(opens in a new window).
