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Key actions

DPC identified six key actions areas for improving gender equality under the plan based on the key findings of the workplace gender audit and the stakeholder consultation process.

The development of the plan also considered a review of suggested strategies by the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector and examples of good practice gender equality action plans previously developed by defined entities.

Action areas

The plan outlines the key goals and strategies that underpin each of the six key action areas. DPC will align the plan with other diversity and inclusion plans as part the implementation plan and apply an intersectional lens to each workplace gender equality indicator where possible.

Accountabilities and timelines are assigned to each strategy including the relevant business owner(s) responsible for developing and implementing specific strategies. The key workplace gender equality indicators are also mapped against each strategy.

Gender Equality Action Plan 2021–2025

  1. Visible leadership and accountability – Senior leaders demonstrate commitment to gender equality and visibly champion and drive gender equality strategies.
  2. Reducing the gender pay gap – DPC proactively seeks to better understand the factors that cause the gender pay gap and develops strategies, actions, policies, and processes to achieve gender pay equity.
  3. Attracting, developing, and retaining a diverse, gender balanced and talented workforce – DPC is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse, gender balanced and talented workforce and supporting the career advancement of women in the VPS.
  4. Creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace – DPC is committed to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace that takes a zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment, violence, bullying and discrimination and supports people experiencing family violence.
  5. Facilitating and promoting a flexible workplace – DPC is committed to facilitating and promoting a flexible workplace that encourages new ways of working and supports employees to balance work, family, and caring responsibilities.
  6. Measuring, monitoring, and reporting on gender equality – DPC demonstrates its commitment to making reasonable and material progress towards achieving workplace gender equality by regularly measuring, monitoring, and reporting on workplace gender equality.
