DPC operating statement
The operating statement is an estimate for the period 2023–24 to 2026–27, with the estimates representing the allocation of resources that enable the delivery of the department’s key priorities and ongoing delivery of outputs.
We are forecasting an operating deficit of $5.1 million for 2023–24, primarily due to utilising funds from existing trust balances to fund certain initiatives.
The machinery of government changes, effective 1 January 2023, resulted in operations including Service Victoria, Digital Victoria, Public Record Office Victoria and Cenitex, as well as key corporate support functions, transferring out from DPC to the newly formed DGS. These transfers have reduced DPC’s operating income and expenses accordingly.
The department’s output appropriation funding in 2023–24 includes $218.7 million of funding provided through the 2023–24 State Budget. The government’s 2023–24 budget decisions that relate to DPC are detailed on pages 3–5 and 93–95 of the Victorian Budget 2023–24: Budget Paper No. 3 Service Delivery.
($ million)
Net result from continuing operations | 2023–24 | 2024–25 | 2025–26 | 2026–27 |
Income from transactions |
Output appropriations | 346.88 | 313.73 | 256.77 | 240.67 |
Special appropriations | 59.33 | 108.91 | 65.12 | 63.43 |
Interest income | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.02 |
Sales of goods and services | 0.59 | 6.19 | 5.49 | 5.49 |
Grants and other transfers | 7.68 | 1.87 | 1.51 | 1.50 |
Fair value of assets and services received free of charge or for nominal consideration | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Other revenue and income | 0.70 | 0.70 | 0.70 | 0.70 |
Total income from transactions | 415.20 | 431.42 | 329.61 | 311.80 |
| |
Expenses from transactions |
Employee benefits | 198.39 | 205.43 | 176.23 | 176.41 |
Depreciation and amortisation | 5.11 | 6.32 | 7.38 | 7.66 |
Interest expense | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.03 | 0.03 |
Grants and other transfers | 121.82 | 122.51 | 81.83 | 64.89 |
Other operating expenses | 94.94 | 98.17 | 64.71 | 63.38 |
Total expenses from transactions | 420.31 | 432.46 | 330.19 | 312.38 |
| |
Net result from transactions (net operating balance) (a) | (5.11) | (1.04) | (0.58) | (0.58) |
Source: Victorian Budget 2023/24: Budget Paper No. 5 Statement of Finances